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Dianny’s Blackout of the Democrats’ Day-Long Campaign Rally

These partisan drama queens didn’t deserve a single second of attention.

I don’t know about you, but I had no interest in reading, hearing, or seeing one moment of the Democrats’ day-long campaign rally on January 6. So I imposed a news blackout on myself that lasted all day yesterday.

I visited no websites, avoided Twitter, and spent no time watching any clips from the histroinic speeches, not even to make fun of them.

Usually what causes me to institute a news blackout is a crippling Lupus flare. This blackout was because of something I knew instinctively would be far more painful than the worst Lupus flare I’ve ever endured.

My brother texted me yesterday afternoon to ask if I heard that Democrats wanted to make January 6 a national holiday. After rolling my eyes, I texted him back telling him I was under a self-imposed news blackout for the entire day, so I had no idea.

Why would I even want to read articles that were critical of the Democrats’ hyper-dramatic performative campaign rally?

Why would anyone?

Their January 6 performance art piece wasn’t even something I wanted to make fun of.

There are only so many ways I can say this, but I do not give one single shit about the riot on January 6, 2021. As I wrote in November, I stopped caring about January 6 by January 8.

As soon as the dopes in the media started lighting their hair on fire and screeching about “insurrection,” I stopped caring.

That is doubly true about the day-long Democrat campaign rally that went on yesterday. Hence the self-imposed blackout.

The thing is, Democrats aren’t subtle people. They’re incapable of subtlety.

This is what causes what I refer to as “Operation Backfire.” Democrats destroy their own scheme because they lack subtlety. So they push too hard and too far until their scheme backfires on them.

You could also call it “Ugly American Syndrome” I suppose.

You know the “Ugly American” stereotype, right? That’s the American who travels to a foreign country, gets frustrated that the natives don’t understand him, so his solution is to shout in English in hopes the increased volume gets his point across.

The January 6 narrative Democrats are pushing isn’t resonating out here in the real world. So Ugly Democrats that they are, they decide the solution is to shout at us in hopes the increased volume gets the public to believe their lies.

Yeah, that won’t work. The dramatics around January 6 are backfiring on them.

But I don’t need it to backfire on me. I already know the entire January 6 narrative is utter garbage. Hence the blackout.

This morning, however, I did watch Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ spot-on remarks regarding the performative drama from yesterday, and he spoke for every other American who thought the Democrats’ January 6 day-long campaign rally didn’t deserve a single ounce of attention:

Man, I love that guy.