Saturday, July 24, 2021

Trump Eviscerates the Democrats in Rip-Roaring Rally in Arizona

Nick Arama reporting for RedState

Crowds started early in Arizona Federal Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona for President Donald Trump’s rally, wrapping around and extending far down the block.

Looking a bit different from the lackluster barely attended Joe Biden events, that we see here and here.

Most of the Republicans competing in the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial and U.S. Senate primary races spoke at the event which was hosted by Turning Point Action.

Before Trump spoke the fire Marshall was reportedly saying they’d reached capacity with still more lined up outside waiting to get in. The theater has a 5000 seat capacity.

President Donald Trump spent a fair amount of time thanking all the people who had been supportive of him.

Trump hit many topics, first among them was the audit going on in Arizona, saying that he believed the audit would support his position about the elections. He brought up the letter from former U.S. Attorney William McSwain in Pennsylvania who said he had been told by Attorney General Bill Barr not to pursue election claims but to transfer them to the Democratic state Attorney General who he already felt had compromised his neutrality.

Trump mocked Hunter Biden and the “ethical deal” the White House had worked on as to his art. He said they didn’t want to make it transparent. He called it disgraceful and said could you imagine if one of his kids had done that?

Trump also took some shots at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for not standing up as much as he could to the Democrats. He said he needed his help to boost him to re-election.

Trump noted how he’d stopped the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. But he said Biden approved it and he stopped Keystone XL, costing Americans jobs. Yet they wanted to talk Russia, Russia, Russia about him when he’d been tough on Russia. Trump explained how the pipeline would put Germany in the grip of Russia if they received so much oil from them. That we were paying to protect Germany from Russia and now this was placing Germany at their mercy, having that amount of energy control over Germany. He explained how he was about America First yet Biden did things like this that placed America Last.

Trump encouraged people to get vaccinated, saying he’d gotten the vaccine done in record time. But he said he also believed in your freedoms as well [to not take it]. He also said that we needed to hold China accountable.

Trump believed that the Democrats were “Playing the ref” by making up things against Bill Barr and Brett Kavanaugh, hoping to frighten them with things like impeachment to influence their actions. He said he believed that’s why Bill Barr backed off pursuing questions. Trump said he though they really didn’t want to impeach Kavanaugh either, just frighten him into moderating his voting.

Trump said that people are now being cowed and the media was going along with it. That when you have “no press,” that’s how you get to a Communist country. He said we were seeing every institution being taken over and weaponized. He called out Critical Race Theory, calling it blatant racism and a radical Marxist ideology. He chastised Gen. Mark Milley for being focused on that and not focused on winning wars. He brought up how Democrats “make up a lot of crap” – like saying Republicans wanted to defund the police and that Democrats were never against voter ID.

It was indeed one of the most passionate speeches he’s done of late, fully focused on defeating the Democrats and calling out radical leftism in all its forms as the preeminent issue that we face in order to save the country.

Joe Biden Pops off About Sucking Blood From Kids in Incredibly Odd Exchange

This guy just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Joe Biden doesn’t like tough questions (see Yikes: Joe Biden Loses It on CNN Reporter in Shocking, Senile Meltdown). Heck, if this clip I’m about to share with you is any indication, he doesn’t like questions period. And can you blame him? He’s used to having the press fawn over his choice of ice cream flavor.

So when a reporter dares to actually do their job, Biden often gets defensive. That happened again, but this time, the president’s retort devolved into the exceedingly odd.

Yeah, that’s uh…creepy.

There are two parts to this. To start, the question is obviously legitimate. Lots of people in the Democrat Party, including high-level Congressional members, have stumped for defunding the police. For the far-left, such a position has become orthodoxy. Biden has danced around the issue, but that doesn’t relieve him of the responsibility to answer for what others in his party are pushing. Republicans are always expected to answer for every random comment made by any GOP member down to dog catcher. Biden throwing a temper tantrum over being asked about a mainline position in his party makes him look weak.

Past that, what Biden says doesn’t even make sense. The question was: “Are there people in the Democrat Party who want to defund the police.” The answer is obviously “yes,” and that’s been documented extensively. Yet, Biden pops off about…Republicans accusing Democrats of sucking blood from children? Except the question wasn’t about what Republicans say. Rather, it was a direct question about what Democrats themselves are saying.

Perhaps his answer is part of some weird fantasy he’s been suppressing or maybe he’s just clumsily trying to suggest Republicans are making up the Democrat position on defunding the police. Either way, it’s something he should have kept to himself. A simple “no comment” would have sufficed.

Besides, I’ve been assured that Biden is a return to “normal” and a restorer of decorum. Does any of this seem normal to you? If Donald Trump said something like that to the press, CNN would lose their mind for a week straight speculating on whether he was really a serial killer. With Biden, they just thank him for his abuse and move on. He is a man who can not control his emotions. Chalk that up to his senility or something worse, but it’s long past the point of being a trend.

Millions of Freedom Fighters Around the World Protest COVID Lock-downs and Forced Vaccinations, Some Clashes Turn Violent

We Cannot Comply Our Way Out of Tyranny…

Patriots around the world are rising up in opposition to the totalitarian government efforts to weaponize COVID fear against the principles of liberty and freedom.

In Australia the government has reintroduced forced lockdowns, the patriots are taking to the streets and successfully breaking through police barracades.  In France and Italy the citizens are pushing back against the government announcing forced vaccinations; the government of both nations are now openly attacking the French and Italian people.  In London, England, hundreds of thousands join together to stand in opposition to the removal of freedom.

All around the world people who will never give up their freedom are taking to the streets to demand liberty, sometimes resulting in violent clashes with law enforcement. The free people of the world are uniting in common purpose.  Videos Below:

Australia: “Thousands of Australians participated in anti-lockdown protests in Sydney on Saturday, defying public health orders to stay home.”

United Kingdom: “Londoners gather on Saturday, July 24 to protest against COVID-19 lockdowns and mandatory vaccination.

Italy – “Large protests underway in many cities within Italy against Covid restrictions, vaccine passports, and mandatory vaccinations”

France: “Across France, protests were planned in cities including Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes and Toulouse. French anti-riot police fired teargas as clashes erupted during protests in central Paris against COVID-19 restrictions and a vaccination campaign.

There may be some method to the January 6 overcharging madness



 Conservative protesters walking respectfully through the Capitol after the police opened the doors.


Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker


There may be some method to the January 6 overcharging madness

Democrats, by likening those involved in January 6's Capitol fracas to the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, Kristallnacht, and 9/11, all rolled into one, created a conceptual problem for themselves because even felony charges will result in short sentences.  The resulting cognitive dissonance will make people question the overheated claims about January 6.  My friend Anony Mee, however, may have figured out one of the more nefarious things that's going on with the extremist hysteria to justify those felony charges:

It occurs to me that there is a reason behind charging the January 6 trespassers with felonies. It's so they can never again own guns or, in some states, vote.

The BLM/Antifa rioters and their hench-looters, if they were charged at all, were mostly charged with misdemeanors. Only some of those who seriously injured someone else were hit with a felony. They can still carry guns and vote.

The homeless who commit felony after felony are only charged with misdemeanors, if charged at all, so their "right" to vote is never in question.

The feds are still hunting down everyone who can be identified as having been anywhere near DC so that they can take away their guns and their right to vote.

I think this needs to be sounded far and wide so that Patriots know that a peaceable gathering is fine.  However, if anyone invites you to wander away from the main stage, it's a trap!!!

That sounds exactly right.  Democrats are using January 6 as their go-to event to achieve numerous political objectives.  We understood the obvious ones to be attacking Trump and intimidating weak and Vichy Republicans, as well as conservatives citizens, into silence and inactivity as the Democrats finish Obama's plan to "fundamentally change" America.  However, the less obvious benefit to the hysteria reveals another level to the Democrats' thinking.

I agree with J.R. Dunn's excellent piece about Leftwing Losers that the Democrats we see in power really are pathetic people.  However, I'm less concerned about the puppets than I am about the puppet masters.  While Biden and Kamala bumble about on the world stage, it's the people behind the scenes who are making decisions that destroy individual lives and tear apart our nation's fabric.

Fauci is currently being revealed as someone who seriously misdirected the COVID response.  We're also beginning to understand that he did so not because he was caught flatfooted by an unknown virus and a possible pandemic, but because he knew exactly what had happened, had helped make it happen, and was engaged in a cover-up to protect himself — a cover-up, moreover, that conveniently helped destroy the presidency of a man he despised.

We can point to Fauci as a fool and an incompetent, but he's not.  He's been playing these games successfully for forty years — and was so successful in 2020 that he allowed his Chinese friends to destroy the evidence; went a long way to wiping out America's middle class; and, as I said, got Trump out of office.  Overall, I'd say he's been a pretty successful puppet master.

It's not the politicians we need to fear — J.R.'s correct about what losers they are — but the bureaucrats hiding behind them and wielding the real power.

By the way, if we succeed in having honest elections in 2022, which will be a good indicator that a Republican will return to the White House in 2024, I hope the Republican president completely pardons every one of the people currently being persecuted for January 6.  They need to get their rights as citizens returned to them.  And after the pardons, the next thing he needs to do is to clean out the Augean stables known as the federal bureaucracy.

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Slouching Toward Dictatorship


Article by Anthony J. DeBlasi in The American Thinker


Slouching Toward Dictatorship

“Were [our forefathers] so blind as not to perceive that the destruction of a myriad of individuals is only so much positive advantage to the mass!”

− Edgar Allan Poe*

“Progressives” need to oppose time-tested wisdom about human nature and reject the lessons of history because good sense and experience stand in the way of their form of progress toward a better life in a better world. We are all to believe in their superior sagacity and in the “science” justifying their plans for humanity. (That they’re not kidding should frighten the hell out of everyone with a heart as well as a brain.)

How often have you heard “Time for a change?” I’ve been hearing it regularly every four years since 1952 when I voted for the first time. Well, have times changed? You bet! A graph of progress over time for We the People would show a line slumping and accelerating downward toward the end of the 20th century. I am speaking of course of progress toward a better life for all Americans. Is that not the promise of those who wish to be elected?

So, why has the desire for a better life in America become a political kickball instead of a priority of leadership? Recalling the Low Heels and the High Heels in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, the left accuses the right and the right accuses the left for standing in the way of progress, each with one hand pointing to the “opponent” and the other hand in a pocket ready to accept bonus cash. Excepting the few honest top members of government, it’s a story repeated constantly through history, stretching back to antiquity, ending with many lives ruined and lost. Today’s Great Reset vision of progress is the most pretentious and arrogant of any in the past.

For We the People, no prospect of progress with liberty and justice for all is likely where morality gets corrupted in the process, a habit of “liberals” that proves harmful to humans, time and again.

People who stick to common sense, a.k.a., realists, are more likely than radicals to see through sham, deception and false image, and more apt to pursue activity that in fact helps make the world a better place to live in. They are motivated not only by a love of humanity but by a love of truth. Is it really any wonder why people who get smeared as backward, ignorant, and name-the-slur see today’s morally depraved, “post-truth America” as the product of dysfunctional, arrogant, deceitful, and hateful souls?

“Progressives” (the quotes flag the falsehood behind the label) are corrupters of reality who think nothing of corrupting even science in order to achieve their goals. Taking no lessons from history and drunk on political power, they move ahead to make the state command every aspect of our lives in the mad obsession to own us. Their contempt for reality punches us with “justice” that kills babies because they happen to be on the wrong side of a mother’s abdominal wall. It thumps us with “reasoning” that makes killing a non-human creature a criminal act and killing a human being legitimate because Homo sapiens is not on a list of endangered species.

And so it is that the government in an America adulterated by “progress,” exercising a power taken from its people by eviscerating the Constitution, has the “authority” to control every aspect of our lives. And that includes everything we own and everything we need to stay alive. In its preemptive role of supreme lordship (do what I say or else) the government may preside over your home, the land and space you occupy, the kitchen, the bathroom . . . your mind . . . your children . . . what not? If you think the government at least stays out of the bedroom you are forgetting that public schools teach kids how to copulate and provides them with contraceptives and referrals for “medical” services (including abortion) without the consent of their parents.

Dictatorship never had it so good.

Our so-called “democracy” operates through the long arm of oligarchs who, with a boundless contempt for any authority above theirs, operate like – well, dictators. Those who complain or stand in their way, religious leaders included, are regarded as enemies of the state and are likely to be treated accordingly.

For today’s oligarchic “deep state,” whatever can be politicized (your life included) is theirs to rule over. If this violates the Law of the Land (the Constitution), what of it? Does the State not own you and your children? (Was it not Big Brother who reminded everyone that “freedom is slavery”?)

The power to deceive, enhanced enormously since the dawn of the digital age in the past century, is unquestionably a principle weapon of wannabe dictators at the top echelons of society. Next in line of importance, I would say, is the corruption of science.

Those schooled in scientism, a majority it seems among the brightest of our leaders, may argue that since there is a gene for just about everything you can name, then the ultimate solution to bad behavior is imminent in today’s gene-editing era. Although a gene for “criminality” may not as yet have been identified, you can be sure that it will be and criminal behavior will be terminated.

Can we be sure that criminals in the top ranks of society will submit to this final “therapy” against criminality?

Of the few things we can be sure of, one that stands out boldly is that “you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” Lincoln’s adage on deception should be posted in every governmental office.

The stench of an uninhabitable transhuman world is invading us in this 21st century. Whether or not you can smell it, it is vitally important for us and for our children to be on guard against an insanity that turns people into androids populating a fake world managed by “superior beings.” It is essential that every unadulterated human resist this madness and strive to restore sanity to the planet.


* From the futuristic tale “Mellonta Tauta,” published in 1849, these words spoken by a balloon traveler reflect the mindset of people obsessed with an inhumane idea of progress.



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Critical Witchcraft Theory

“Systemic racism” is not a sociological theory. It is theology. 
More precisely, it is a demonology: a theory of witchcraft.

It was good enough for William Stoughton in 1692. Stoughton was the chief justice who presided over the Salem witchcraft trials that sent 20 people to their deaths. What was good enough for Stoughton was “spectral evidence,” which referred to the testimony of witnesses as to what they had seen in their dreams. If a witness said that he dreamed of a neighbor engaging in witchcraft, Stoughton’s court admitted that as evidence against the neighbor. 

Not everyone in 17th-century Massachusetts thought this was a good idea. Cotton Mather, the colony’s leading theologian, thought spectral evidence was useful but insufficient. Cotton Mather’s father, Increase Mather, the president of Harvard, thought spectral evidence was untrustworthy as it might have been planted by demons. It took the royal governor, William Phips, to outlaw spectral evidence altogether in legal proceedings.

But that ruling, of course, couldn’t banish the readiness of people to believe accusations supported by no shred of real evidence. Contemporary Americans tend to scoff at the credulousness of those Puritans in Salem who leveled deadly accusations based on the phantoms of their own imaginations. But here we are, in the age of critical race theory, still doing it. 

CRT is based on the claim that an insidious, pervasive, but invisible force inhabits all Americans and American institutions. This invisible force exists outside the conscious experience of those who harbor it. Those purveyors of systemic racism are its hapless servants who believe in their own innocence as much as poor Sarah Good did when she got her chance to testify at the Salem trials. (“I’m no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life God will give you blood to drink,” said Sarah when found guilty—the detail around which Nathaniel Hawthorne constructed The House of the Seven Gables.)

Denying one’s complicity in witchcraft, of course, was expected of witches. Their denials meant nothing in the ensuing trials. But in some ways the courts in Salem were less inclined to impetuous judgments than many of the advocates of today’s critical race theory. Cotton Mather, consulted after the first wave of Salem executions (Tituba, Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and Bridget Bishop) warned that “there is need of a very critical and exquisite caution, lest by too much credulity for things received only upon the Devil’s authority, there be a door opened for a long train of miserable consequences, and Satan get an advantage over us.” Cotton Mather was, however, still in favor of “the speedy and vigorous prosecution of such as have rendered themselves obnoxious.” 

His view lay not far from how Ibram X. Kendi views systemic racism: “one of the fastest-spreading and most fatal cancers humanity has ever known . . . There is nothing I see in the world today, in our history, giving me hope that one day antiracists will win the fight, that one day the flag of antiracism will fly over the world of equity.” Kendi’s perspective, consistent with Puritan theology, is that this world has been given over to the corruptions of the infernal powers. 

No doubt enough ink has been spilled and pixels deployed by critics of Kendian “antiracism” to establish the circularity of his reasoning. Failure to endorse his edicts, in Kendi’s views, is itself racist. His message has been redoubled by Robin DiAngelo, and a host of others who seem to believe that they have been handed a profound insight into how our world works. Superficially this is a sociological insight, but to the extent that sociology is a real discipline dependent upon careful and critical analysis of empirical evidence, “systemic racism” is not a sociological theory. It is theology, or more precisely it is a demonology: a theory of witchcraft. It has no proof that “systemic racism” exists in modern American society. All it has is a Salem-esque panic based on the pseudo-authoritative declaration that it exists. 

We cannot, of course, prove that systemic racism does not exist, any more than we can prove that witches don’t exist. The West Indian slave Tibuba, the first Salemite to be accused, at first denied being a witch but subsequently acknowledged she had learned some occult practices in Barbados. And contemporary America has many self-professed wiccans. So in some sense witches do exist, but generally we allow these to be either harmless delusions or acts of self-advertisement. 

Systemic racism, by contrast, serves perfectly well as a realistic description of some societies, such as the antebellum states in which slavery was permitted. But today’s theorists of antiracism are faced with the difficulty that real systemic racism has disappeared from America. Individual racists can be spotted, i.e. people who loathe or at least dislike other people on the basis of race and behave towards those people with prejudice. But “systemic racism,” involving the complicity of law, the approval of society, the power of economics, and the reinforcement of culture is just gone. It was officially undone generations ago and we have since vigorously cleaned out its vestiges.

That leaves the proponents of systemic racism chasing after spectral evidence. They may not be able to see systemic racism with ordinary human eyes, but they “know” it is there and they have special magical eyes to see through its myriad disguises to the ugly truth beneath. William Stoughton and Cotton Mather would be proud of them. 

The rise and widespread acceptance within elite institutions of the theory of systemic racism may surprise many Americans who pride themselves on their secular rationality. We are past the age of credulous enthusiasms, or so we like to think. This is a time when we give highest authority to views that we elevate to the status of “science.” It is an amusing conceit, especially considering the ease with which ideologies that have very weak scientific foundations—or none at all—manage to appropriate the name of science for whatever collection of suppositions and spurious inferences they wish to sell. 

“Climate change” is perhaps one part science to 10 parts hysteria. The COVID-19 pandemic was real but was bundled and rebundled in lies, rumors, hocus-pocus, medical myth-making, and statistical illiteracy. There are probably very few widely attested beliefs among Americans that are not, in some significant ways, grounded in shared illusions. Few of those illusions, however, are as destructive as systemic racism, which invites America down a path of social division that makes old-fashioned witch trials look like the wholesome models of judicial restraint. 

I put Americans at the center of that last paragraph, but as an anthropologist who has read broadly in world ethnography, I will gladly forfeit any idea of American exceptionalism when it comes to readiness to credit the existence of witch-like malevolent powers. The power of invisible forces to torment mankind is a cultural universal. The exact forms of witchcraft accusations, protections against the hidden powers of undisclosed enemies, methods of discovery, punishments, and reprisals vary among sub-Saharan African societies, Inuits, Amazonians, Sri Lankans, and so on, but not the suspicion that sinister powers are at work. Atheistic societies are far from immune. Stalin and Mao had their equivalent imaginary categories of unseen wreckers and cultural traitors. 

Thus folks like Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo are tapping into something very old and very human: our seemingly limitless capacity to project our fears onto monsters in the dark—monsters that wear the faces of our family members, friends, and neighbors—and worst of all, our own faces in the mirror. Perhaps that last element owes something to the legacy of Sigmund Freud, who warned us to beware the beast that lurks within. But even that idea has plenty of folk precedents in the ideas about possession by demons and the involuntary transformation of men into werewolves and the like. Kendi has given us the up-to-date theory of American werewolvery, with white people, one and all, cast as Canis lupus

To say that the conceit of systemic racism is a recrudescence of an ancient and broadly human kind of myth-making is not to excuse it. We should know our vulnerabilities and temptations, and we should draw on our civilized capacity to resist very bad but alluring ideas. Systemic racism allures because it grants an all-purpose excuse for the failures, disappointments, and unhappiness of American blacks, and it allures whites who long for the rewards of contriteness and penitence, which are no less real. Nor should we forget the opportunists of all races who see the chances of financial gain, social status, and political influence that come from indulging the new cult. 

Witchcraft crazes never end well—not for the accused, seldom for the accusers, and certainly not for the society that has permitted this temporary descent into madness. Where today is our William Phips, the governor who had the sense to put a stop to the orgy of hangings in a 17th-century New England village when the leading intellectual authorities would not? He has not stepped forward yet, but we can be confident he will. 

From the shape of things before us now, I don’t expect he will come from the church or the university. Both have absorbed the poison of imaginary guilt too deeply to provide the needed leadership. The business community is even more tainted. From where, then, should we look for our Phips? I don’t know, but I expect he will be someone who can call us back to our abiding ideals without spending too much time reminding us how foolish we have been in indulging these collective recriminations.

Traveling the Quiet Road to Tyranny


Article by Wen Wryte in The American Thinker

Traveling the Quiet Road to Tyranny

Could we be traveling a quiet road to tyranny?

Steve McCann’s recent summary of what we now know about the events on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021 indicates why we should all be very worried about the US, leader of the free world, sliding ever closer towards tyranny.

But it’s a slow journey on a quiet road, with the final destination not yet in sight. 

J.B. Shurk has set out how far we’ve already come on this quiet road to tyranny

How do tyrannical despots attain absolute power without a violent revolution?  They do it by stealth.  It’s happened before.  Eighty-eight years ago, to be precise.

On Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was awarded the chancellorship of Germany by the ailing President Hindenberg.  Although the Nazis were losing electoral support, they remained the largest party in the Reichstag, but without anything near a working majority.  Hitler seized the chance to take control of all the reins of power.  His pretext for the assumption of dictatorial powers was the Reichstag fire of Feb. 27, 1933.

Somehow a man managed to get into the Reichstag and -- supposedly undetected -- started a fire which turned into a conflagration.  Where was the security? 

Compare this with what happened on Jan. 6: the videos show the door-security officials at the Congress building inviting the participants in.  Unfortunately for the Democrats’ agenda, there was very little disruption or destruction (although the shooting of Ashli Babbitt has yet to be the subject of a public investigation).

Back in 1933, Germany's parliament building was totally destroyed and with it went any pretense of democratic government.  The man arrested at the scene was a simple-minded Dutch communist.  How did such a man evade the building's security officers and start a fire undetected?  Why did he then stick around to watch?  Why did he not attempt to flee when the police approached him?  He docilely accepted arrest as if acting the part.

Compare this with the behavior of the participants in the ‘armed insurrection’ on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6: the videos show them mostly wandering the corridors of the Congress building as if on a tourist tour.  When apprehended they didn’t resist arrest or attempt to flee (although some had left the scene early). 

These similarities with the Reichstag fire of 1933 are chilling, and we know the Reichstag fire was a set-up.  The practical steps towards installing Hitler's tyranny started with a fabricated national security ‘emergency.’

From then on his grip on power slowly tightened.  For the majority of Germans these were good years -- living standards improved and the country seemed to be doing well. They might have been disconcerted by the removal of their civil liberties and the demonizing of the Jews, but Hitler kept promising everything would turn out alright in the end.

In the U.S. right now it’s ordinary patriots and everyone on the Right who are being demonized, labeled as ‘white supremacists’ and ‘domestic terrorists’.  And it seems many of those who still support the Left are in denial about the implications for their own freedom and civil rights.

Of course political subterfuge is much more cleverly-organized these days.  And Biden is no Hitler -- he is a political charlatan who has spent his entire career enriching himself and his family through abusing his influence and power.  He is the ideal patsy for the much more sinister people behind the scenes who are organizing all this, who know exactly what they are doing.  At present they are staying out of sight and letting their proxies do the hard work.  Which means keeping the official narrative on course for the eventual announcement of a new national security ‘emergency’ and the repression of all political opponents (aka 'enemies of the state', or 'domestic terrorists').

The significant difference between the Reichstag fire and the Capitol Hill ‘armed insurrection’ is that the latter did not turn out as the Democrats hoped because the necessary evidence is lacking and cannot not be retrospectively created.  As Andrea Widburg points out, the ‘armed insurrection’ narrative has hit a bump in the road with the first sentence handed down being for a much lesser offense.

The Democrats will need another fabricated national security ‘emergency’ to enable them to install their planned tyranny and, as Terry Paulding explains, the Left will keep pushing the ‘right wing extremist mob’ narrative until they can incite -- or fabricate -- a push-back from ordinary American patriots, and then the real repression will begin.

The fact that the true story of the Jan. 6 'armed insurrection' is still being hidden behind the lies of the official narrative is evidence that those in power do not want the truth to come out.  Ever.  And when the lies start at the top, from the White House, and the legacy media is not interested in uncovering the truth, then we really do have a very big problem as regards saving democracy and freedom from the would-be authoritarian repressive totalitarian despots of the Left.

Meanwhile, the Leftists are still pretending that it’s Trump who has a Fuhrer complex, as demonstrated by Leftist propagandists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker in their book, I Alone Can Fix This (2021). 

Donald Trump’s ‘Reichstag moment’?  This is risible considering Trump was having problems simply implementing his democratic mandate, obstructed on all sides by the operatives of the Deep State, which Leonnig and Rucker tacitly acknowledge was holding Trump back, whilst the Left in general still denies there’s any such thing.  When it’s no longer possible to sort out the truth from the lies the only people who benefit are the ones doing the lying.  

A common political tactic of repressive authoritarians is to accuse their enemies of what they themselves are already doing, as the pretext justifying the imposition of tyranny.

Well, that is now what we are seeing happening in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  And it’s the brave and the free who are the only people who can now stop the implosion of Western values and culture,  and with it the collapse of the best and most enlightened civilization thus far in the history of mankind.

We have already started our slow journey on the quiet road to tyranny, and it’s the Left in the driving seat.

Apart from the brave and the free, who or what should we put our hopes on?

The one characteristic of the Left is that they always mess up their plans with inept implementation because they cannot agree even among themselves how best to force everyone else to comply with their demands.

And so, as J.R. Dunn has pointed out, we should not forget that the Left are losers when it comes to getting things right.

Sooner or later, the Left will mess up, and big-time.

And then what?

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Senator Rand Paul Says SARS Weaponization Research Happening Right Now in North Carolina and Texas

“Gain-of-Function” is an obtuse term for making an existing virus deadly to humans, or “weaponizing it” by modifying it.  During an interview with OAN, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul shares that gain-of-function research is happening right now in Texas and North Carolina labs.

This is an interesting interview [Rumble Link Here]. WATCH:

China Works With Biden Administration to Target Former America-First Trump Team With Sanctions

One of the most significant aspects to President Trump’s administration was the trade and economic team he assembled to drive the “America-First” Main Street resurgence we saw on display throughout the four years in office.  Readers will note, there was no turnover of personnel in the trade and economic team, because they were the priority, the fulcrum of the Trump Doctrine. One of the key people driving the America-First agenda was Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

President Trump’s trade and economic team were laser focused on bringing back domestic Main Street economics as the foundation of our economy.  That approach put Wall Street multinationals at a policy disadvantage.   No-one without an interest in U.S. economic security was allowed a seat at the Trump table.

Policies and practices that supported made in the USA domestic manufacturing and industry were the prism through which all actions taken by the Trump administration were viewed.  The massive growth in U.S. jobs and wages was a result.  We also had an unprecedented period of deflationary pricing.  Things were, well, economically astoundingly good for American workers.

As a direct consequence China, Europe and ASEAN partners who had their foothold in the U.S. economy were weakened.  This made the U.S. (Wall Street) multinational corporations -who rely on outsourcing, offshoring and raw material export- very angry.  The exfiltration of American wealth was halted by Trump.  There were trillions at stake, and many enemies were made because of the America-First agenda.

Those Wall Street enemies of Trump are essentially allies of Joe Biden policy.  Biden has not only re-instituted policies to make the U.S. dependent again, ie. a service-driven economy, he has driven up the prices of energy, raw materials and created massive inflation directly as an outcome of policy.

Today, just as the Biden administration continues using the DOJ to target former Trump officials, China announces they will target Wilbur Ross with sanctions.

Make no mistake about this, China is taking this action against the America-First team because they can.  They are, in essence, doing Biden’s bidding…..

BEIJING/WASHINGTON, July 23 (Reuters) – China said on Friday that it has imposed counter-sanctions on U.S. individuals including former U.S. commerce secretary Wilbur Ross in response to recent U.S. sanctions on Chinese officials in Hong Kong.

The sanctions are the first imposed by China under its new anti-foreign sanction law, passed in June, and come days before U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is due to visit China amid deeply strained ties.

China also imposed unspecified “reciprocal counter-sanctions” on current and former representatives of a range of organisations, including the Congressional-Executive Commission on China and the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. (read more)