Saturday, July 24, 2021

Slouching Toward Dictatorship


Article by Anthony J. DeBlasi in The American Thinker


Slouching Toward Dictatorship

“Were [our forefathers] so blind as not to perceive that the destruction of a myriad of individuals is only so much positive advantage to the mass!”

− Edgar Allan Poe*

“Progressives” need to oppose time-tested wisdom about human nature and reject the lessons of history because good sense and experience stand in the way of their form of progress toward a better life in a better world. We are all to believe in their superior sagacity and in the “science” justifying their plans for humanity. (That they’re not kidding should frighten the hell out of everyone with a heart as well as a brain.)

How often have you heard “Time for a change?” I’ve been hearing it regularly every four years since 1952 when I voted for the first time. Well, have times changed? You bet! A graph of progress over time for We the People would show a line slumping and accelerating downward toward the end of the 20th century. I am speaking of course of progress toward a better life for all Americans. Is that not the promise of those who wish to be elected?

So, why has the desire for a better life in America become a political kickball instead of a priority of leadership? Recalling the Low Heels and the High Heels in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, the left accuses the right and the right accuses the left for standing in the way of progress, each with one hand pointing to the “opponent” and the other hand in a pocket ready to accept bonus cash. Excepting the few honest top members of government, it’s a story repeated constantly through history, stretching back to antiquity, ending with many lives ruined and lost. Today’s Great Reset vision of progress is the most pretentious and arrogant of any in the past.

For We the People, no prospect of progress with liberty and justice for all is likely where morality gets corrupted in the process, a habit of “liberals” that proves harmful to humans, time and again.

People who stick to common sense, a.k.a., realists, are more likely than radicals to see through sham, deception and false image, and more apt to pursue activity that in fact helps make the world a better place to live in. They are motivated not only by a love of humanity but by a love of truth. Is it really any wonder why people who get smeared as backward, ignorant, and name-the-slur see today’s morally depraved, “post-truth America” as the product of dysfunctional, arrogant, deceitful, and hateful souls?

“Progressives” (the quotes flag the falsehood behind the label) are corrupters of reality who think nothing of corrupting even science in order to achieve their goals. Taking no lessons from history and drunk on political power, they move ahead to make the state command every aspect of our lives in the mad obsession to own us. Their contempt for reality punches us with “justice” that kills babies because they happen to be on the wrong side of a mother’s abdominal wall. It thumps us with “reasoning” that makes killing a non-human creature a criminal act and killing a human being legitimate because Homo sapiens is not on a list of endangered species.

And so it is that the government in an America adulterated by “progress,” exercising a power taken from its people by eviscerating the Constitution, has the “authority” to control every aspect of our lives. And that includes everything we own and everything we need to stay alive. In its preemptive role of supreme lordship (do what I say or else) the government may preside over your home, the land and space you occupy, the kitchen, the bathroom . . . your mind . . . your children . . . what not? If you think the government at least stays out of the bedroom you are forgetting that public schools teach kids how to copulate and provides them with contraceptives and referrals for “medical” services (including abortion) without the consent of their parents.

Dictatorship never had it so good.

Our so-called “democracy” operates through the long arm of oligarchs who, with a boundless contempt for any authority above theirs, operate like – well, dictators. Those who complain or stand in their way, religious leaders included, are regarded as enemies of the state and are likely to be treated accordingly.

For today’s oligarchic “deep state,” whatever can be politicized (your life included) is theirs to rule over. If this violates the Law of the Land (the Constitution), what of it? Does the State not own you and your children? (Was it not Big Brother who reminded everyone that “freedom is slavery”?)

The power to deceive, enhanced enormously since the dawn of the digital age in the past century, is unquestionably a principle weapon of wannabe dictators at the top echelons of society. Next in line of importance, I would say, is the corruption of science.

Those schooled in scientism, a majority it seems among the brightest of our leaders, may argue that since there is a gene for just about everything you can name, then the ultimate solution to bad behavior is imminent in today’s gene-editing era. Although a gene for “criminality” may not as yet have been identified, you can be sure that it will be and criminal behavior will be terminated.

Can we be sure that criminals in the top ranks of society will submit to this final “therapy” against criminality?

Of the few things we can be sure of, one that stands out boldly is that “you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” Lincoln’s adage on deception should be posted in every governmental office.

The stench of an uninhabitable transhuman world is invading us in this 21st century. Whether or not you can smell it, it is vitally important for us and for our children to be on guard against an insanity that turns people into androids populating a fake world managed by “superior beings.” It is essential that every unadulterated human resist this madness and strive to restore sanity to the planet.


* From the futuristic tale “Mellonta Tauta,” published in 1849, these words spoken by a balloon traveler reflect the mindset of people obsessed with an inhumane idea of progress.



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