Saturday, July 24, 2021

Millions of Freedom Fighters Around the World Protest COVID Lock-downs and Forced Vaccinations, Some Clashes Turn Violent

We Cannot Comply Our Way Out of Tyranny…

Patriots around the world are rising up in opposition to the totalitarian government efforts to weaponize COVID fear against the principles of liberty and freedom.

In Australia the government has reintroduced forced lockdowns, the patriots are taking to the streets and successfully breaking through police barracades.  In France and Italy the citizens are pushing back against the government announcing forced vaccinations; the government of both nations are now openly attacking the French and Italian people.  In London, England, hundreds of thousands join together to stand in opposition to the removal of freedom.

All around the world people who will never give up their freedom are taking to the streets to demand liberty, sometimes resulting in violent clashes with law enforcement. The free people of the world are uniting in common purpose.  Videos Below:

Australia: “Thousands of Australians participated in anti-lockdown protests in Sydney on Saturday, defying public health orders to stay home.”

United Kingdom: “Londoners gather on Saturday, July 24 to protest against COVID-19 lockdowns and mandatory vaccination.

Italy – “Large protests underway in many cities within Italy against Covid restrictions, vaccine passports, and mandatory vaccinations”

France: “Across France, protests were planned in cities including Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes and Toulouse. French anti-riot police fired teargas as clashes erupted during protests in central Paris against COVID-19 restrictions and a vaccination campaign.