Saturday, July 24, 2021

Trump Eviscerates the Democrats in Rip-Roaring Rally in Arizona

Nick Arama reporting for RedState

Crowds started early in Arizona Federal Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona for President Donald Trump’s rally, wrapping around and extending far down the block.

Looking a bit different from the lackluster barely attended Joe Biden events, that we see here and here.

Most of the Republicans competing in the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial and U.S. Senate primary races spoke at the event which was hosted by Turning Point Action.

Before Trump spoke the fire Marshall was reportedly saying they’d reached capacity with still more lined up outside waiting to get in. The theater has a 5000 seat capacity.

President Donald Trump spent a fair amount of time thanking all the people who had been supportive of him.

Trump hit many topics, first among them was the audit going on in Arizona, saying that he believed the audit would support his position about the elections. He brought up the letter from former U.S. Attorney William McSwain in Pennsylvania who said he had been told by Attorney General Bill Barr not to pursue election claims but to transfer them to the Democratic state Attorney General who he already felt had compromised his neutrality.

Trump mocked Hunter Biden and the “ethical deal” the White House had worked on as to his art. He said they didn’t want to make it transparent. He called it disgraceful and said could you imagine if one of his kids had done that?

Trump also took some shots at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for not standing up as much as he could to the Democrats. He said he needed his help to boost him to re-election.

Trump noted how he’d stopped the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. But he said Biden approved it and he stopped Keystone XL, costing Americans jobs. Yet they wanted to talk Russia, Russia, Russia about him when he’d been tough on Russia. Trump explained how the pipeline would put Germany in the grip of Russia if they received so much oil from them. That we were paying to protect Germany from Russia and now this was placing Germany at their mercy, having that amount of energy control over Germany. He explained how he was about America First yet Biden did things like this that placed America Last.

Trump encouraged people to get vaccinated, saying he’d gotten the vaccine done in record time. But he said he also believed in your freedoms as well [to not take it]. He also said that we needed to hold China accountable.

Trump believed that the Democrats were “Playing the ref” by making up things against Bill Barr and Brett Kavanaugh, hoping to frighten them with things like impeachment to influence their actions. He said he believed that’s why Bill Barr backed off pursuing questions. Trump said he though they really didn’t want to impeach Kavanaugh either, just frighten him into moderating his voting.

Trump said that people are now being cowed and the media was going along with it. That when you have “no press,” that’s how you get to a Communist country. He said we were seeing every institution being taken over and weaponized. He called out Critical Race Theory, calling it blatant racism and a radical Marxist ideology. He chastised Gen. Mark Milley for being focused on that and not focused on winning wars. He brought up how Democrats “make up a lot of crap” – like saying Republicans wanted to defund the police and that Democrats were never against voter ID.

It was indeed one of the most passionate speeches he’s done of late, fully focused on defeating the Democrats and calling out radical leftism in all its forms as the preeminent issue that we face in order to save the country.