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Trump: I Understood It Better Than Anybody

 op by Sunlit7

The whole world is wasting away in a handbasket, people's liberties are eroding, people are still incarcerated and facing years in prison over his malfeasance, people are losing their jobs over refusal of the jabs, people are being injured and dying from the jabs, inflation is spiking and what's Trump concerned about? That nobody has acknowledged his massive crowd size on January 6th. He even goes on to elaborate that he even managed to surprise him own self on the size of the crowd:

Trump added that the crowd size at the official rally that took place some distance from the protests was the “biggest” he’d ever spoken in front of. “I’ve spoken to very big crowds. I have never spoken in front of a crowd that size. Nobody every talks about that,” he added. 

Awe, poor baby, so neglected, his big ego taking a burn over that one. Just look at the strain talking about it puts on his face. Gosh people stop it, it's the holidays. Just admit it was hugely, bigly, more massive than ever seen in history. It's not like asking you to have compassion because unlike him people are incarcerated or has loved one's in the ICU, it's a simple gesture in comparison. With that bit of sarcasm in tact he then tries to distinguish the rally from the protest to try and distance himself from that which he admitted he understood better than anybody what could go wrong.

Trump instead put the blame sorely for the “bad things” that happened on January 6 at the foot of Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats, and others. “I offered 10,000 and suggested 10,000 national guardsmen… or even the military [be stationed near the Capitol] because I knew the crowd was going to be massive, because I knew the anger that took place over the election being rigged and I understood that, I understood it better than anybody. And Pelosi and these people turned it down. We would have had tremendous security but they turned it down.”

Well obviously he doesn't understand the legal implications of telling the world he decided to move forward organizing an event where he knew that angry people would show up and he felt quite comfortable doing so without security. As much as I don't like Nancy Pelosi and many of he democrats for that matter it's not their fault that he personally chose to move forward with a rally after being denied security. Being president does not entitle one to use government resources for your own personal use outside the protection of the president. If he wants to hold a rally it's up to the secret service to protect him while he engages in such, it's up to him to make arrangements for or to ensure security measures surrounding the event for others.

Then to add insult to injury, which is easy for Trump, he goes on to claim that capitol police were given very bad instructions, which is on Pelosi he claimed.

He added that doing so would have “stopped any problem” from occurring. “The police were not given proper instructions by Capitol Hill, which is Pelosi. They were given some very bad instructions,” Trump continued.

I don't even think if they were "instructed well" it would have stopped any problem from occurring because there simply wouldn't have been enough of them. Never mind that he gave people "very bad instructions" to even show up fully acknowledging that he knew some angry people would show up, remember he understood that better than anybody. As usual though he passes the buck rather than to admit it was his own personal choice to move forward without adequate security in place which cost people their lives and he should be held accountable for that. We all know he's real big on demanding accountability, this time maybe he should start with himself.