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Biden’s Petro Mess

This administration has no intention of ensuring the energy reserves of the United States are secure in time of war or national emergency.

The pope-pooper-in-chief has passed gas again! This time, Joe Biden has released 50 million barrels of oil from the national stockpile known as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to cover his ill-conceived, knee-jerk, mean-spirited, day-one, anti-Trump cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and oil leases, which in turn spurred today’s record-high gas prices.

A cynic might say Biden created the problem to force the Green New Deal agenda on the American people. He might also say Biden would look great in a bikini-top, miniskirt, and pom-poms as he cheers on AOC and her squad of small-time communists. 

Biden’s solution is as troublesome as Curly Howard of the Three Stooges trying to fix the plumbing. Every time Curly or Joe tries to remedy something, the problem only gets worse.

When Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, he said he did it because of “environmental concerns,” which, along with production disruptions in the South and West, then saddled Americans with a doubling, so far, of gasoline prices.

When the resulting petro-mess sent his poll numbers plunging into the 30s, Biden dumped all his “environmental concerns” faster than his last meeting with the Pope, and released the 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Biden released more oil than any other president, not in response to any national emergency—which is why the Strategic Petroleum Reserve exists—but out of purely political calculations to keep his approval ratings and the prospects of his agenda from sinking any further. 

The taxpayer will get plugged again because those 50 million barrels of oil will need to be replaced, as there may be a war on the horizon involving issues surrounding either Taiwan or Ukraine or both. And that oil would be replaced with the current price of oil at $82 a barrel versus $25 a barrel during the Trump Administration.

China would love to invade Taiwan, which would throw world oil prices into the toilet faster than Biden’s last set of trousers. And that’s before Vladimir Putin takes another chunk of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) described Biden’s Three Stooges petroleum move as a “policy Band-Aid” that was covering a “self-inflicted wound” created by “a shortsighted energy policy.”

But what if Biden’s energy policy is really another one of his Manchurian Candidate moves to diminish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to leave the United States in a do-or-die position so it must adopt the Green New Deal?

Remember, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was established in 1975 to keep the United States from being blackmailed and politically sodomized at will by the then-mostly Arab states of OPEC.

Biden’s energy secretary, the political hack and campaign surrogate Jennifer Granholm, is so dense that last week she could not answer a simple question about U.S. daily petroleum consumption.

Worse, Jen-the-Jejune has hired Dr. Jennifer Wilcox, a chemical engineer and tree-hugger from the World Resources Institute. The two Jens apparently were teleported from the weird sister scene in “Macbeth, invoking the incantation “Fair is foul and foul is fair, Hover through the fog and filthy air!”

Presto! The incantation instantly changed the name of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve’s headquarters from the Office of Fossil Energy to the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management.  

The only thing missing was a bubbling black cauldron.

The incantation also magically produced a new mission statement: “. . . to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working toward net-zero emissions.”

That is code for a more frightening scenario: This administration has no intention of ensuring the energy reserves of the United States are secure in time of war or national emergency. They may never replace that oil—not now, not ever.

Just imagine the team of two Jens with large oars, stirring the cauldron.