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Senate Banking Committee Confronts Communist Banking Nominee Saule Omarova During Confirmation Hearing

The Senate Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs Committee held a confirmation today for Joe Biden’s communist nominee Saule Omarova to be Comptroller of the Currency.  It really is quite remarkable that Biden would nominate a person who has advocated for government control over all allocation of capital and credit in the U.S. economy.

Ms. Omarova has advocated for government intervention in the allocation of all resources used within the finance and banking system, completely reversing the free market allocation of capital in the economy.   Omarova’s position of federal control is unchanged throughout her life, yet she has attempted to add nuance and denial to a life-long history of working on this process.

Ms. Omarova is the tip of the spear in using finance and banking to implement the regulatory controls needed to support the Green New Deal, where government would intervene and deny capital to private interests who would not be in alignment with leftist energy policy and total economic change via Build Back Better.  Today she was confronted by several senators within the banking committee.  WATCH: