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Normalizing Pedophiles


 Castration is the best option for this buncha creeps

Article by Rod Dreher in The American Conservative

Normalizing Pedophiles




A description from the academic publisher’s website of the book Allyn Walker has written, and is talking about:

Challenging widespread assumptions that persons who are preferentially attracted to minors—often referred to as “pedophiles”—are necessarily also predators and sex offenders, this book takes readers into the lives of non-offending minor-attracted persons (MAPs). There is little research into non-offending MAPs, a group whose experiences offer valuable insights into the prevention of child abuse. Navigating guilt, shame, and fear, this universally maligned group demonstrates remarkable resilience and commitment to living without offending and to supporting and educating others. Using data from interview-based research, A Long, Dark Shadow offers a crucial account of the lived experiences of this hidden population.

Watching that short clip of the interview with Walker, and reading that description, gosh, it sure seems like the next crusade of the genderqueer brigade is to normalize pederastic desire — exactly as many of us figured would happen.

I read the introductory chapter on Google Books. It’s important that I quote it at length, for the sake of clarity. Here we go:

B4U-ACT is a group of pedophiles who want to manage their desire so that they do not commit a crime, and who come together to help each other bear the burden. Knowing nothing more about this group than that, I can see real value in it. But the last two lines are big red flags that we are going down the path of normalization.

Here Walker talks about a conversation with a journalist who has covered this topic, and who warns that it’s dangerous to talk about, because people assume that if you work to normalize pedophiles to any degree, you are setting children up for sexual assault:

Allyn Walker is playing with fire. Surely there must be some way to get these suffering people the help they need without moving towards considering pedophilia just one more “sexual orientation.” Because if it ever should become that, we are halfway to legalizing it, following the same path that standard homosexuality took. If sexual desire is the equivalent of identity, and if to sexually desire minors is at the core of one’s identity, then how can we stigmatize or otherwise suppress pedophiles if we recognize that other kinds of sexual minorities have civil rights?

Anybody who has lived through the last twenty years knows that sexual identity and the law is a slippery slope. This needs to be crushed right now, without apology.

The clip comes from this interview Walker did with Noah Berlatsky of the Prostasia Foundation, which bills itself as “a new kind of child protection organization,” but which amounts to a very sophisticated attempt to normalize pedophilia.

Berlatsky is a weird middle-aged dude, a former contributor to NBC Online, The Atlantic, and other sites, who is familiar from Internet controversies. Among other things, he has written about how parents are an oppressor class, and how the biggest threat to “child sex workers” are the police.

Here, from the website, is one of Berlatsky’s Prostasia co-workers:

Just what we need: a hooker/childcare expert/kink educator. Totally normal, totally fine.




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