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Merrick Garland: The George Wallace of the 21st Century

Blocking parents at the schoolhouse door

Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Department of Justice and the FBI would begin investigating parents for the crime of demanding local school boards be held accountable.

See, a while ago, some organization called the National School Boards Association demanded that the Biden administration classify parents as “domestic terrorists” for having the temerity to show up at school board meetings to protest school districts imposing radical Left indoctrination on their children.

And, because it serves his agenda of classifying political opposition as domestic terrorists, Merrick Garland has happily signed on to this ridiculous plan.

In a memo to the DOJ and FBI, Garland claimed that “in recent months” there’s been a “disturbing spike” in violence or threats of violence against school boards and administrators. Of course, Merrick Garland doesn’t cite any specific examples of this so-called “disturbing spike.”

The only spike that concerns Merrick is the spike in the number of parents who are fighting back over the kind of shitty, inappropriate garbage their children are being exposed to in the guise of “education.”

And, see, therein lies the problem. Parents aren’t supposed to A) know what’s happening and B) have any say in the matter.

Merrick Garland closes his ridiculous memo by claiming that the Department of Justice is “steadfast in its commitment to protect all people of the United States from violence, threats of violence, and other forms of intimidation.”

(Unless your name is Kyrsten Sinema)

Merrick Garland isn’t trying to protect school boards from “violence or threats of violence.”

He’s protecting them from having to be accountable to the parents of the children they are charged with educating.

What’s next?

Will Garland stand in the schoolhouse door and refuse to permit parents to enter?

Do not underestimate how important it is to the Left to maintain its stranglehold on the country’s children. And do not underestimate just how great a threat it is to them that parents are awakened from their stupor and discovered that their children are being indoctrinated in the radical Marxism of the Left.

And make no mistake about it. It terrifies them that ordinary Americans are stepping up and running for school boards. That’s why they’re accusing them of being QAnon conspiracy theorists and other undesirables.

Both the ridiculous letter from the National School Boards Association and this stupid memo from Merrick Garland aren’t about protecting school boards from “violence” or “domestic terrorism.” They’re about making sure school boards can act with impunity, free from parental involvement.

I don’t know if you know this, but one of the stories that launched the anti-CRT movement into the national spotlight was the discovery in Loudoun County Virginia that parents who supported critical race theory formed a Facebook group to target and harass the parents who opposed it.

And yet, who is being investigated by Biden’s Justice Department? Well, not the pro-CRT people who were harassing the anti-CRT people that’s for damn sure. In fact, it was reported in August that the parents who targeted the anti-CRT people will face no charges for what they did.

I told you over the summer that the Left would use the same playbook on parents rising up against local school boards that they used to slander and vilify members of the Tea Party a decade ago.

And, boy, I was more right than I realized.

Obama’s DOJ and IRS began investigating Tea Party groups, remember? And now Biden’s Attorney General is investigating parents who are showing up in droves to school board meetings.

This is just another example of the criminalizing of political opposition that’s been happening since January.

Back on January 7, I took a lot of heat for my column about the January 6 Capitol riot. At the time I warned that the Left would use that stupid 3-hour riot to crack down on all political opposition.

And they have, haven’t they? In fact, they started immediately afterward.

Homeland Security and the FBI began warning about “domestic terrorism” from “right wing extremists.” Joe Biden used his pseudo State of the Union address to decry how right wing white supremacist domestic terrorists are a greater threat to the country than Jihadists.

And now Merrick Garland is targeting ordinary American parents just for showing up at school board meetings and exercising their right to petition for a redress of grievances.

Why does he feel confident he can get away with doing something so remarkably vile and anti-American?

Because of January 6, that’s why. These monsters are going to squeeze every last ounce of political advantage they can out of that ridiculous, fleeting event.

But Merrick Garland’s move is fraught with danger — not for us, but for the Democrats. The parents descending on school boards aren’t all MAGA-supporting Trump voters. In targeting these parents, Garland is casting a wide net that will ensnare people across party lines.

The same was true ten years ago when they targeted the Tea Party. And it’s happening all over again a year before the Midterm election. Not smart. This isn’t a “Republican” issue. This is not a “white people” issue. It is an issue that effects everyone whose child attends a public school. And treating such a wide cross-section of the country like terrorists is only asking for blowback.

School board members are elected by popular vote, not chosen by divine right. Parents have a right to hold these elected officials to account. But for exercising their rights, Merrick Garland wants to treat those parents like criminals.

This will not end well.