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Overzealous DC Stormtroopers Accidentally Target Undercover Fed Dressed Like Antifa Then Pretend Like They're Arresting Him

First things first.  If there ever was an actual “insurrection”, a couple hundred patriots with axe handles would easily crush these out-of-shape DC riot goons dressed like teenage ninja turtles. Just sayin’…  Although, to be fair, a few of the groups did look like they just raided the costume surplus from the last Batman movie.

Yesterday, the feds planted undercover operatives all over the DC mall in an effort to manipulate the crowd and set-up another “insurrection narrative.”  However, in a hilarious turn of events no one showed up to play.   As a result, there were more media looking for stories than actual protestors, and the DC riot police looked like knuckleheads on a scavenger hunt for Easter eggs.  Dummies.

Amid the over-the-top nonsense, the DC police did notice a suspicious man dressed in Antifa garb wearing a concealed firearm.  However, when they moved in to question him, the doofus had to admit he was an undercover federal agent and showed his badge.  That’s when things really got funny because the cops, now with a case of the sads, had to pretend like they were arresting him in order to retain appearances. It was all caught on camera.  WATCH:

Apparently, according to the Twitter, this is what happens when you throw an entrapment party and no one shows up.

I know it might be hard to believe, but it does get funnier than the Spaceballs extras video-taped above.

FBI Briefing instructions: “Look normal, as close to “cookout party dads” as possible.  Pick up your Kohl’s gift cards at the desk on your way out.  High socks preferred for optics. Remember boys, be invisible!”  “Alex, you take point on this one.”  “Got it!”  “Hey guys, lets all look the same, so that way we will look like everybody else”…

Government issued Ray-Ban’s… √

Squared away haircuts…. √

Black socks….  √

Govt approved wristwatches…  √

Inability to blend in, and look totally stupid…. √


Wait what…  why did that guy just say we look like “prouder boys”?