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Make War, Get War: What Is the Government Mandating?

The Democratic Party’s practical error is the hubris by which it has forgotten that when you make war on anyone, they may well make war on you.

The Biden Administration last week issued its order to penalize businesses and individuals who refuse to receive the currently available COVID-19 vaccines with the same disregard for reality by which they ordered the abandonment of Afghanistan. If a comparable rout does not result, it will be a miracle. 

Timing has a lot to do with it. The administration decided to use force, in its own name and on a substantial portion of Americans, precisely at a time when facts about the vaccines’ usefulness—which raise questions about their very status as “vaccines” in the ordinary sense of the word—had become indisputable. 

The administration tells us we must all be vaccinated lest we, the unvaccinated, infect the vaccinated—people whom the vaccines are supposed already to have made immune to infection. That, after all, is the very meaning of the word “vaccine.” But the administration admits that the vaccines do not make its recipients immune—at least not for long. For how long? They really have only guesses. 

So what do these vaccines do? On September 10, the Wall Street Journal published a story titled, “Some Vaccines Last a Lifetime. Here’s Why Covid-19 Shots Don’t.” The subheadline elaborated: “Researchers have calculated a key number—the threshold of protection—for other vaccines. Covid-19’s is still a mystery.” It’s just the facts, m’am. These vaccines’ simple genetic structure produces artificial antibodies that provide partial immunity to reinfection during the weeks or few months of their duration. The vaccines apparently also reduce the effects of the infection—much as ordinary drugs do, many effectively banned without scientific basis. This puts the so-called “vaccines” into the category of treatments

All of this has led the administration and the drug companies happily and quietly to sign up for a program of perpetual booster shots to extend immunity of an unknowable extent for unknowable periods, into the future, forever. 

Forever, because the administration also denies what every epidemiologist will affirm under oath, that persons who have been infected by the novel coronavirus and its variants and have recovered (that is 99 percent) necessarily carry with them natural, long-lasting antibodies. How long do these last? We do not know—only that, if only because of their molecular structure, they surely last longer than the artificial ones. Only when compelled will professionals dare publicly to utter the truth that every literate person knows: Epidemics from airborne viruses stop spreading only after having spread natural antibodies, and hence natural immunity, throughout society. 

Now let us look at the Biden Administration’s order from another perspective: our own. Why should any of us, whose infirmity or obesity does not put us into clear and present danger, put into our bodies a vaccine the serious adverse effects of which are yet unknown and the benefits of which dwindle the more we consider them? 

Official denigration of the basic facts requires us to repeat them: COVID-19 is no plague, and the vaccines that are being forced on us do not prevent infection—Biden himself says so, correctly. 

And what happens if we do get infected? The government’s reluctance to gather accurate figures notwithstanding, the answer for many (if not most) people is: little or nothing. The United States has had some 40 million “confirmed cases.” But the National Institutes of Health estimates that upward of 100 million Americans have been infected. This means that up to 60 percent of infections are asymptomatic. You don’t even notice them. Nearly all the rest involve mere inconvenience. What am I willing to pay or give up or risk for a shield against that? 

We individuals, responsible for our own well being, reasonably ask with regard to vaccination: “What’s in it for me?” The answer is not a compelling argument for putting medicine into my body, the benefits of which are less imposing than questions and risks. 

But when we ask why the Democratic Party, its associates in the media, and the rest of the ruling class, including the drug companies, are pushing vaccination so hard, we are quickly dismissed and told that it is because of their benign, paternalistic, scientifically informed concern for our health. 

Who really believes that? 

By the very token by which we conclude that there is nothing in it for us, we notice that there is plenty in it for them: the power that comes from keeping Americans “pseudo-Science-whipped” into obedience to the ruling class; and the money, lots of it, that this power continues to funnel away from the likes of us to the likes of them. 

The Democratic Party’s practical error, with regard to vaccination as with regard to the way it ended the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, is the hubris by which it has forgotten that when you make war on anyone, they may well make war on you. Democrats appear to have imagined that they could safely lead with their chin against adversaries who have been waiting for their chance.