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Capture The Flag

 Capture The Flag


By: Cheval

September 27, 2012


In the game of Capture the Flag, the winner is decided when the opposing side’s flag is taken.  Joe Biden is not the flag.


We are living in remarkable times. The Biden regime has fostered a series of calamities that none of us could have foreseen this time even a couple of years ago. We have witnessed election fraud on an unprecedented scale, a catastrophe in Afghanistan, rising inflation, an uncontrolled border, illegitimate political appointees failing the American people, a corrupted DOJ, FBI, disruptions in critical supply chains, a flagging economy, massive censorship of truth- telling voices, growing social and political divisions, and an unrelenting fabricated pandemic bordering on the ridiculous in its duration and mismanagement. We have seen Biden’s reversal on just about every promise he made prior to the election, ignoring the needs of our citizens to bolster the needs of non-citizens. Now we have forced vaccine mandates running completely counter to science.


By any measure, Biden is an abysmal failure to the American people, and we are witnessing an unmitigated disaster, not just in the United States, but across the world. And as the fate of America goes, so goes the fate of the whole world. This is why over-reaching authoritarian policies such as those experienced in Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere are mere precursors for taking down the biggest prize: America … the capstone necessary to openly establish the globalists’ New World Order.


Fortunately, and unfortunately, more of us are slowly coming to the realization that all these problems are based on intentional and deliberate design, leaving us shaking our heads in disbelief because the realization defies rational and ethical human reasoning. However, considering the Left’s goals to achieve control, power, and literal world domination, their deliberately derived problems have clear purpose.


It is common now to openly speak of Biden as an inept puppet. Increasingly so, we know who the puppeteers are: the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the CCP, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and a myriad of other globalists and corporatists. These individuals and groups are pulling the Biden, Clinton, Obama, and Bush strings, as well as those of the medical establishment and Federal and state governments. Yet, they remain free to operate with impunity and collude with little fear of repercussion. They are insulated by people in leadership positions within world governments, woke corporations, the media, academia, legal systems, law enforcement, NGOs, Big Pharma and Big Tech. And we know what they are up to and how they are using their great wealth to invoke a “Great Reset,” seize control of governments across the world, manipulate the markets, and systematically dispose of opposition groups via crackdowns, lockdowns, vaccination programs, all with the intent of gaining control over societies and their populations. Although the globalists are pulling the strings, they are not pulling all the strings, at least, not yet.


Unlike the usual hue and cry from the Left about made-up crises such as climate change or the latest woke-du-jour issue, we need to recognize that the day’s crisis at hand is never the real crisis. The ambitions and ruthlessness of these global elitists represents THE true crisis and real existential threat, not just to the US, but to the world. Stated differently, the fate of our country and the indeed the entire planet rests on the success or failure of these elitists and their plans impacting humanity.


To draw a parallel comparison to the seriousness of the dilemma in which we find ourselves today, recall the mid-point of WWII when the outcome was not assured. The world was still at risk of Hitler’s fascist war machine and Imperial Japan’s conquests throughout Asia. The fate of the world was at stake then, and there was no question that the US and western democracies would do literally anything to defeat the enemy, including fire-bombing German cities, attempting to take out Hitler himself, and dropping the first two nuclear bombs in human history to bring the war to an end.


Now the fate of the world is at stake again. However, we are not in a conventional shooting war; rather, we are engulfed in an unconventional, non-shooting, 5th Generation information, biological, economic, cyber war where any means short of nuclear strikes and kinetic confrontation are being employed.


Despite the recent embarrassment in Afghanistan, our adversaries have learned that it does not pay to engage the US in an all-out kinetic war because it will not end well for their team. In contrast, today’s form of warfare is harder to recognize, confront, and contend with.


Tremendous energy has been exerted by many to point out all the crazy and outrageous things being done by the Left, raising awareness for more and more people. Yet, here we are, allowing the threat to continue, essentially unabated, a threat that has the potential to have even more menacing and with more destructive lasting results than we would have experienced if we had lost WWII. Why? Because too many are still oblivious, do not know what to do, are willing to fall in line, and lack a uniting force to tap the power of the majority. It is astonishing that, since we openly acknowledge that Biden is a puppet being controlled by several tiers of puppeteers, given the stakes, we are allowing the global elitist cabal to continue to operate, let alone exist.


Conservatives rightly insist on following the Constitution and Federal and State laws, but conservatives are dealing with an enemy that is not playing by the same rules. In fact, the enemy is playing outside those rules and is making up the rules! Playing by the rules is a process-oriented strategy that conservatives tend to hold dear and believe they are compelled to play, hoping arguments and indictments will hold up in the courts because the conservative paradigm is that we live in a law-abiding nation. However, given the infiltration of our justice system, court outcomes are no longer assured to align with the Constitution or conservative principles. Also, a process-driven approach takes time, something we no longer have as a luxury.


The global elites comprising the cabal, in cooperation with the CCP, only succeed for three reasons: because of their wealth to fund their agenda, by corrupting officials and stealing elections to install their puppets, and freedom to operate. Without their wealth, patented election fraud, and freedom of movement, they would hold no sway and become powerless to purchase buy-in from the world’s decision-makers, nor be able to buy-off their witting and unwitting servants to push their despicable agenda, propaganda, and intentions.


It seems that we are capable of freezing the assets of entire nations, subverting leaders and regimes of governments we do not want and taking out key figures and public enemies such as Soleimani, bin Laden, Hussein and numerous others throughout history. Yet we cannot, do not, will not muster the will or fortitude to seize the elitists assets, or take down those that are inflicting the most heinous crimes against humanity since WWII.


The US is still, for now, the most potent nation on earth economically, technically, and militarily, but only if we choose to employ those great strengths to our advantage.


So, as we face a real existential threat and with the fate of the world and humanity hanging in the balance, if you want to win at capture the flag, you need to actually capture the flag. As we did in WWII, we did anything to capture the flag. As in WWII, all options were on the table. All options need to be on the table now. Those funding and giving orders to the world’s puppet government and corporatist leaders are the flag. We know who these people are and now the world is sufficiently awakened to understand what is happening. Why do these people have any freedom of movement or access to their agenda-enabling wealth?


Here are some recommendations.

First, seize or freeze their treasure. Stop the bleeding.

Second, withhold debt and interest payments to any nation, entity, organization, or person cooperating with the global cabal.

Third, fix 2020. Short of violence, free and fair elections are the only way for citizens to peaceably express their will. If votes no longer matter, violence will ensue.

Fourth, shutdown every BSL4 laboratory worldwide, safely destroy the numerous stockpiles of recombinant viruses, and after taking down the cabal, outlaw all international biological warfare and gain-of-function R&D.

Fifth, flood the US and world courts with more class-action lawsuits than the globalists can possibly defend against. Enable any American injured or harmed by the pandemic, the lockdowns, or unconstitutional executive orders to participate as a party to the suits, thus putting the globalists on defense and wiping out their remaining wealth.


It is high time to put real fear in the global cabalists’ hearts for a change, as they have done to billions of innocents around the globe. We can no longer afford to sit around complaining, criticizing, talking and talking and talking about what is going wrong. We are living with and are expected to accept crimes perpetrated out in the open, accept the creation of arbitrary executive orders that hurt American citizens and their interests, accept the breakdown of law and order, accept the deaths and lasting injuries from vaccines-gone-awry to our unsuspecting, and accept policy decisions from unelected officials tantamount to and with weight as if law passed by legislatures.


Americans need immediate, daring, and unconventional action. The majority is faced off against a very small minority that is creating havoc and mayhem that the world’s people should not have to and can no longer endure. In simple cost versus benefit terms, strong decisive action to take down the source of our global problems, aka the global elite cabal, and despite the predictable backlash from the bought-offs and any financial ripple effects, we can certainly bear and weather the short-term costs to achieve the long-term benefits for billions of the world’s inhabitants.


Biden says his patience is wearing thin, but in truth, America’s and the world’s patience is wearing thin.


Let’s get ‘em in 2022 and 2024 is not a plan that will overcome fraudulent elections and the tyrannies and subversions suffered under the global elites. As 2020 election forensic audits proceed at a snail’s pace, changes to upcoming elections will not be implemented with enough rapidity to ensure the election integrity at the state and national levels.


In the meantime, the globalist puppeteers will continue to plan, give orders, implement, and operate freely as conservatives continue to rely on legal and legislative processes to play out; processes that have been corrupted and wrought with stonewalling and obstruction by the Left. A dubious and lengthy strategy at best.


Conservatives cannot maneuver fast enough to keep up with the Deep State by playing by the rules. The “trust the plan” mantra is beginning to ring hollow. If there is a plan to thwart the Deep State and the cabal, execute the plan. If not….


… it is time to capture the flag.