Can we call them stranded now?
Remember last week when Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki about Americans stranded in Afghanistan and she got all huffy and righteous?
Oh, boy, but Leftie Twitter went bananas over Psaki’s righteous anger.
Yas Kween!!!! #PsakiBomb!!!
You hear that? She has been very clear that they are not leaving Americans who want to return home; they are going to bring them home.
You have to admire Jen’s ability to feign righteous indignation. But her feigned indignation is absolutely infuriating given the fact that yesterday the last American troops boarded a transport and left Afghanistan and, guess what? They stranded several hundred (at least) Americans who wanted to return home.
But see, it’s actually no big deal that we left Americans stranded in a backward country run by a bunch of tenth century, goat-f*cking terrorists with billions of dollars of US military hardware. I mean, come on, man. We strand Americans all the time.
Yeah. It happened in Iran in 1979, and that all turned out okay in the end, didn’t it?
Sure, they ended up held hostage for four hundred and forty-four days. But, in the grand scheme of things, what’s four hundred and forty-four days?
Okay, yeah. The women stranded in Afghanistan might get raped and used as sex slaves by ISIS the way Kayla Mueller was when she was abducted by al Baghdadi. But come on. Stop being so nit-pickety.
This was the largest airlift in history. Over a hundred thousand people. Okay, only about five thousand of them were Americans. But still!
And, yeah we don’t have any earthly idea who these people are that we loaded onto planes and flew into the US. But, glass half full, guys.
Seriously, why are you Biden haters getting so bent out of shape over this?
It isn’t like we stranded fifteen thousand Americans. It was just the low hundreds. That’s chicken feed.
Okay, yeah. We stranded nearly five times the number of people than were held hostage in Iran. But, like I said, that all worked out okay.
And, honestly guys? You gotta hand it to the Taliban. They were real helpful to us!
Just because they’re hanging people by the neck and dangling them out of US Blackhawk helicopters doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give credit where credit is due.

What’s the big? At least they aren’t wearing a Viking hat and dressing like Conan while ambling through the US Capitol. Perspective, guys!
In fact, these Taliban folks aren’t all bad. We may even consider offering them aid.
On the bright side, it isn’t as if the Biden administration is considering flying over pallets of cash.
So, see, this whole Americans stranded thing isn’t such a big deal.
Really, folks. Chillax!
Forgive the sarcasm. Unfortunately, sarcasm is the defense mechanism I fall back on when I am trying desperately not to curse a blue streak.
That broken down old crock vowed that no Americans would be left behind – even if we had to stay longer to get them out.
This fucking asshole.
This repulsive, disgusting administration.
We should burn the entire Biden administration to the ground and piss on its ashes.
During her pointless Southeast Asian trip, that loathsome shrew Kamala repeatedly burped out the claim that getting Americans out was their “highest priority.”
No it wasn’t.
They stranded Americans for God’s sake!
They stranded American citizens in a hostile country run by terrorists.
I about hurled my iPad across the room when I saw this tweet from that pencil-necked State Department Spokesdweeb Ned Price.
They hung people from their neck and dangled them out of helicopters, you freaking waste of skin. You think they give a single solitary shit about “basic rights of the people?”
Jesus Lord. It’s like I said the other day, these faculty lounge academics are exactly like that scientist from “The Thing from Another Planet” trying to reason with the space alien hell-bent on killing everyone.
You know, it’s bad enough having incompetent people in government. But these incompetent people are getting Americans killed.
For crying out loud, the press went ballistic over a false story that President Trump called World War One vets “losers” and “suckers.” They shrieked and clutched their pearls over the false story that Russia was paying the Taliban bounties on American servicemen.
But the Biden administration’s bungling withdrawal, that killed thirteen of our troops and stranded hundreds of American citizens? Those assholes in the media are celebrating it as a “success.”
I’ve heard people say “I’m so angry, I could murder someone.” But I never felt that way before until today. Today, I am very close to reaching that level of fury.
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