Senate Republicans Celebrate Their Surrender
You gotta hand it to the Senate Republicans. When they bend over and take it in the bum, they party like Obama.
When it comes to Senate Democrats, Surrender, not Victory, is something to celebrate.
The ridiculous “Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill” is a heaping pile of garbage, yet the Senate Republicans who plan to shove this $1.2 Trillion in spending down our throats think we should be cheering them on for doing it.
“Yay! We caved to the Democrats and are passing a lard-filled pile of garbage! Cheer for us!!!”
Sorry, no sale.
Leading the Senate Republicans Surrender Cheer Squad is Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy who can’t stop crowing about how wonderful this bill is and how stupid you are for not celebrating with him.
See, Surrender Cassidy took to Twitter and itemized all the wonderful infrastructure spending in this $1.2 Trillion bill. And when you add up all the wonderful items Bill Cassidy included in his tweets, the total spending is $415.5 billion.
Then why isn’t the total cost of the bill $415.5 billion? Why is it $1.2 Trillion?
Well, permit me to answer that. It’s $1.2 Trillion because the majority of the so-called “infrastructure” bill is isn’t going to “hard infrastructure” as Surrender Cassidy calls it.
Instead, it’s lard, lard, and more lard.
Oilfield Rando on Twitter operates a site called RandoLand where he’s been breaks down all the spending in these massive bills Congress has been passing. So far he’s published a breakdown for just the first 666 pages of this 2700+ page monstrosity. And it isn’t good. Like, at all.
This bill is so full of lard, your arteries will clog up just by reading it.
But Senate Republicans consider it cause for celebration.
And Republicans like Bill Cassidy are getting all hot under the collar with voters who have the temerity to criticize the pile of lard – because apparently “self-government” and “the consent of the governed” are irrelevant to assholes like Bill Cassidy.
Surrender Cassidy thinks it’s no big deal to pass a bill that’s three times the size just to get that tiny 1/3 that is actually infrastructure.
Yes, how dare we criticize onerous spending at a time when millions of Americans are still trying to get on their feet after over a year of state-enforced economic destruction!
How dare we uppity Americans expect fiscal constraint from Congress after it increased the national debt by trillions just over the last year!
Who do we think we are?!
There’s nothing you can do about Bill Cassidy. He isn’t running for reelection in 2022, so he knows he doesn’t have to answer to Louisiana voters for surrendering to the Democrats. He’s completely free to tell everyone in his state to go shit in the ocean.
But he isn’t the only one going all-in on this garbage bill.
Even Lindsey Graham is celebrating the surrender of Senate Republicans.

These assholes are supposed to be the opposition party, not the “useful idiots of the majority” party.
When Democrats are in the minority, they fight like hell to stop the Republicans. Now the Senate Republicans are in the minority and they bend over and take it in the ass. Then they celebrate their surrender while scolding us for not appreciating their weakness.
They’re more than happy overseeing the managed decline of the United States of America. And for some inexplicable reason, they think limiting the Democrats to only 8 steps ahead instead of ten steps ahead is a “win.”
It isn’t a win. Not for Senate Republicana. And certainly not for the country.

These guys are useless. Utterly useless.

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