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Joe’s Door-to-Door Vaccine Evangelists

Just call them the Joe-hovah’s Witnesses

Just when you thought the Biden COVID plan couldn’t get any creepier. Yesterday President Asterisk announced that, to boost vaccination rates, they would begin going door-to-door like evangelists for the COVID vaccines.

Think of these door-to-door vaccine evangelists as the Joe-hovah’s Witnesses.

“Literally knocking on doors.” You mean you’re not going to “figuratively” knock on doors, Joe?

I suppose it could be worse, Joe could show up with an axe and just smash his way in.

Look, I’m already vaccinated and still, I find this entirely inappropriate.

First of all, how the hell are they going to know who needs to hear about the Good News from the Gospel According to Pfizer? Do they have a list of names and addresses of people who haven’t gotten the COVID shot? If so, who violated HIPAA to get that information to them?

Or are they just going to go door-to-door and take their chances that the person inside is one of the dreaded “vaccine hesitant?”

And who exactly will be Joe’s door-to-door vaccine evangelists anyway? I’m assuming it isn’t going to be an army of medical professionals who have been granted the right to review your medical history. More than likely, knowing how Democrats roll, these Joe-hovah’s Witnesses are going to be non-profit “progressive” community groups. And let’s be honest, your medical decisions are none of their damn business.

Speaking as someone who got vaccinated after discussing it with my doctors, here’s what I plan to do if these door-to-door vaccine evangelists turn up at my house. I’m going to tell them to get the hell off my property or I’ll call the police.

I’m thinking some of you guys probably have other plans — like showing up at the door armed your own shot-delivery device.

I don’t know who is making the decisions at this White House, but door-to-door harassment to try and cajole people into getting the vaccine is textbook government overreach.

Nobody needs a visit from Joe’s door-to-door vaccine evangelists. At this point, unless you live on a deserted Pacific island next door to some old Japanese soldier who thinks World War Two is still going on, you already have all the information you need.

This isn’t about informing people who don’t know about the vaccines. This is about pressuring people who have already decided that they don’t want to get the damn shot.

Honestly, every single time I think the Biden Administration can’t get crazier, they do something completely bug-shagging insane that totally resets the bar.

Joe's Door-to-Door Vaccine Evangelists