Eloquent Grassroots Effort in York County Pennsylvania Supporting an Election Audit, VIDEO

Speaking to the city council leadership, one woman takes a stand in York County asking for an audit. The audio is a little troublesome, but it is worth the time:
“This is what happens when the people invest their time in learning the real law and their real powers. Darla B gives deep details about how Mastriano came to the point of calling for a full forensic audit.”
The solution to the scale of DC corruption is local and state action using the constitution, specifically the 10th amendment, against the advancing overreach of corrupt DC officials.
Those behind the Biden administration, those who worked within the corrupt system to put him in office, can see how they might well lose control if this continues. They are acting exactly as we would expect given this growing reality.
They need a control tool quickly.
They need a COVID variant now more than ever….
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