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Cori Bush isn’t free; she costs taxpayers $174K a year

Cori rejects the entirety of human history just so she can take a dump 
all over the United States of America on Independence Day.

Imagine being a duly elected Congresswoman in the United States House of Representatives and spending Independence Day bitching that you aren’t free. That’s what Cori Bush (BLM-MO) did over the weekend.

How was your holiday weekend?

I’m guessing you had a better time than Cori Bush.

Now, on the one hand, Cori Bush isn’t entirely wrong. Trust me. This chick isn’t slaving away in the halls of Congress for free. We taxpayers are on the hook for her salary, benefits, not to mention the inevitable pension she’ll receive when she mercifully leaves office.

On the other hand, Cori Bush is full of crap.

Cori is free to earn a living, free to own a home, free to run for Congress, and free to run off at the mouth about things that are historically ignorant.

“This land is stolen land.”


It isn’t like looting a Target during a Black Lives Matter riot, you know.

Come to think on it, given Cori’s affinity for BLM you’d think “stealing” wouldn’t bother her so much.

Every sliver of land on this orbiting globe was conquered. Sometimes lands were conquered, then conquered again, then conquered again. From Europe to the Western Hemisphere to Asia to Africa — it is the history of the world. 

Native tribes in what we now call America conquered each other. But you don’t hear the Sioux bitching about the Lakota “stealing” their land. And you certainly don’t hear ignoramuses like Cori Bush demanding that the Lakota apologize to the Sioux for “stealing” their land.

My favorite quote from Buffy the Vampire slayer is Spike the Vampire’s take on “stolen” land.

I just can’t take this mamby-pamby
boo-hooing over the bloody Indians!

The preferred term is –

You won! All right? You came in
and you killed them and you took
their land. That’s what
conquering nations do! That’s
what Caesar did, and he’s not going
around saying “I came, I
conquered, I felt really bad about
it!” The history of the world is
not people making friends. You
had better weapons, you massacred
them, end of story!

Is there a single Englishman who clutches his pearls and cries that Great Britain is stolen land? I know I’ve said this before, but there aren’t Roman ruins in England because some Brit bought them on Ebay.

The British Isles got “stolen” by the Romans who couldn’t keep hold of it. Then the Saxons and Angles moved in. Then the Danes. Then the Normans.

The entire history of the world is one people conquering another.

The Macedonians, the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Mongols – world history is built on a foundation of conquest.

But for Cori Bush, history began ten minutes ago.

There is no 13th Amendment freeing the slaves.

There is no 14th Amendment granting to freed slaves equal rights and protections as every other citizen.

There is no 15th Amendment granting every citizen regardless of previous slavery the right to vote.

Nope. For Cori Bush it’s still the Antebellum South.

Actually, for Cori Bush it isn’t even Antebellum South. The Antebellum South is part of Planet Earth’s history and Cori Bush doesn’t live on Planet Earth.

She’s rejected the entirety of human history just so she can take a shit all over the United States of America on Independence Day.

Seriously, why on earth are we taxpayers forced to pay the salary of this deeply ignorant ingrate?

Well, mostly because we’ve no choice in the matter. We have to pay her salary whether we want to or not.

We have to toil at our jobs every day and fork over a portion to the government just so Cori Bush can live in luxury while whining about not being free.