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The Turkey Buzzard

Kamala’s circling like a carrion bird waiting for Biden to drop.

Anybody else notice that lately when Joe Biden has a press event, Kamala is starting to look a bit like a turkey buzzard circling her prey?

What’s that about?

Yeah, sure, I’ve joked about her ubiquity before. We all have.

It isn’t anything new the way Kamala insinuates herself into every Biden press event.

But lately there’s a creepy element to it as if she knows Biden’s end is near, and like a cackling carrion bird, she can’t wait to feast on his political corpse.

From now on we should call her Turkey Buzzard Harris. Actually, Carrion Bird Harris has a nicer ring to it.


Huh. I also call her Hyena Harris because of the cackle. But now that I think on it, hyenas are known for grabbing carrion too.


Yesterday as Biden was outside with members of the bi-partisan Senate Infrastructure “Gang of Ten” (AKA the five Democrats and their sucker Republican counterparts), there was Kamala lurking in the distance like a creepy guardian angel.

Jack Posobiec tweeted this breakdown of the scene.

Posobiec tweet The Turkey Buzzard

See what I mean? Like a turkey buzzard.

Given Joe’s embarrassing performance at yesterday’s press event, it isn’t entirely shocking that Kamala is lurking like a carrion bird.

Did you see the whisper montage?

Okay, what the hell? I imagine the turkey buzzard was standing just off camera licking her beak watching that goofball hoarse whisperer (no, guys; that isn’t a typo).

It’s also why Kamala has no problem publicly embarrassing the scatterbrained Joe over his forgetting to say anything about yesterday’s building collapse in Florida.

Jill Biden may be doing everything humanly possible to keep the turkey buzzard at bay, but Joe’s soupy brain isn’t making it easy for her. If I had to guess, I’d say one of the reasons the White House locked Joe down after last week’s mountain of gaffes is because what we witness in front of news cameras is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Joe Biden is slipping fast.

And the turkey buzzard is just “Biden” her time, waiting to make her move.