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Senile Halfwit Threatens Americans

The gibbering, senile halfwit in the White House is apparently 
taking policy advice from Eric “Nuke-em” Swalwell.

The gibbering, senile halfwit in the White House is apparently taking policy advice from Eric “Nuke-em” Swalwell.

In his speech announcing steps to target gun owners who threaten his regime reduce violence plaguing our nation’s cities, senile old Joe Biden scoffed at Americans who believe the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms has something to do with protecting ourselves from tyranny.

Where to begin?

It isn’t easy to parse the words emanating from the mouth of a half-there senile old man. But let’s try anyway.

Now, this isn’t the first time the decrepit old coot used this argument. He did it during a campaign stop in New Hampshire back in 2020. Only that time the synapses in his brain managed to burp of the correct line.

Apparently Joe’s argument is we Americans, with our dangerous weapons of war that have no place on American streets, are woefully outgunned compared to the Government which has dangerous weapons of war.

Wait. I’m beginning to detect a tiny flaw in their gun control argument.

But to claim that the Second Amendment doesn’t exist as a bulwark against tyranny is lunacy. It is exactly the reason the Second Amendment exists. It isn’t the Hunting Amendment, for crap’s sake.

Then again, claiming he can beat someone in a fight is what Senile Joe does, isn’t it? He likes to play the tough guy. This is the same scatterbrained oaf who routinely challenged private citizens to wrestling matches. The same broken down old crock who constantly wished he could take Donald Trump behind the gym and beat him up.

And now the tough guy in his own muddled mind wants to remind Americans just how outgunned we are should we ever try anything.

You bring a knife. I’ll bring a gun. 

You bring a gun, I’ll rain hellfire down from the sky!

Senile Joe and his nuclear missile

Doesn’t Joe’s argument pretty much confirm the very reason we have a Second Amendment in the first place?

As Becket Adams put it on Twitter last night:

A president implicitly threatening to scramble jets and nuke American citizens is about as good a defense of the 2A as I can think of. Gun rights groups couldn’t have made a better argument.

Boy, I hope Peter Doocy brings this up at today’s press briefing. Though I’m sure Jen Psaki will quickly explain what Senile Joe meant to say. And what she says he meant to say will bear no resemblance to what he said. But that’s what Jen Psaki is paid to do. She’s the White House janitor — mopping up after her gibbering, senile boss.