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Racist Joe strikes again

Good grief, not again.

Who is the genius that thought it was a good idea to let old Racist Joe give a speech to a predominantly black audience? Because whoever it was should probably not be working for the Biden White House.

Yesterday Racist Joe delivered a speech at an event commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of the race massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And let’s just say I’m beginning to understand why he rarely left his basement during the 2020 campaign.

Now, I doubt Joe Biden ever heard of this Tulsa massacre before now. So in addition to reviewing the speech written by others, Joe probably spent his time on Air Force One getting a lesson in what the Tulsa massacre was. And knowing Joe, he probably got a little confused.

“Tulsa was massacred? She was such a nice gal. No joke. Nice gal. And the hair. That white streak. Bet her hair smelled nice. And the surfing. The aloha messages. Such a shame she was massacred.”

Every time Racist Joe speaks to black audiences he says something that is flat-out bigoted. And while I’m sure Joe doesn’t think he’s a racist, it’s clear he thinks of black people as adorable little special needs kids who don’t have the intelligence to do the things white people can do.

So when I saw that Racist Joe would be speaking in Tulsa, I just knew in my gut that he would end up saying something awkward.

And he did.

I bet Joe thinks the reason black entrepreneurs don’t have lawyers or accountants is because they don’t know how to use that interweb thingy.

So, for those keeping track at home, according to Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.:

Blacks don’t know how to get a photo ID.

Blacks don’t know how to use the internet.

And blacks don’t know how to hire either an attorney or an accountant.

Oh, wait. I almost forgot this nugget from December.

Joe thinks the country is doomed and “not just because of African Americans.”

Can you believe they let this guy talk to anybody let alone black people?


Personally I don’t know why old Racist Joe thinks black entrepreneurs aren’t capable to hiring lawyers or accountants. Didn’t he himself assure us that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

Joe also made this whopper of a lie in yesterday’s speech.

Yeah. The country is crawling with white supremacists. Sure, Joe. And they want to “put y’all back in chains,” am I right?

But when you consider Joe’s low opinion of the intellectual abilities of black people, it totally makes sense that he would utter such a fantastical lie. If you think your audience is made up of borderline retards, wouldn’t you assume you could lie your ass off and get away with it?

It will never not be funny that the Democrat Party decided to make this broken down racist old crock their goodwill ambassador to the black community. It’s like letting Ted Bundy host a sorority mixer.