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Next time leave the White House Reporters home

They ask the stupidest questions in the world.

Instead of talking about whether or not Joe Biden’s first foreign trip was a success (spoiler alert: it wasn’t), I really think we need to examine the job performance of the White House reporters who came along with him.

Because, boy, howdy. Were they awful.

Listen, part of the problem with White House reporters is they’re nothing but a catty, obnoxious clique. Their questions are gossipy and uninformed. And they can’t let go of their partisan hatred long enough to let politics end at the water’s edge.

Is it any wonder the White House reporters were barred from Biden’s meeting with Turkey’s President Erdogan on Monday? Good grief, even the Biden people know those goofballs are going to make idiots of themselves in front of the foreign press.

I tried following some of the questions those dopes asked during Biden’s post-Putin press conference, and really, those guys haven’t a single clue about foreign policy. If they aren’t able to limit their questioning to things like “Why are the Republicans obstructing you” or “What flavor ice cream did you get” they are way, way outside of their comfort zone.

Be honest, when you saw this clip of Biden yelling at CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, didn’t you smile a tiny bit? Because I did.

Biden was right, by the way. He never did say anywhere in that press conference “I’m confident Putin will change his behavior.” Kaitlan’s one and only job is to cover the President and accurately report what he says, and apparently that’s too much to expect from Kaitlan. Though I’m sure she knows exactly what flavor ice cream Biden had for dessert.

Then again, I’ve always kind of hated that dizzy, smirking dope.

It is kind of funny though. The same White House reporters who rallied to Kaitlan’s defense when Trump’s team barred her from a Rose Garden event after she created a disruption in the Oval Office, are now siding with President Biden for giving Kaitlan a public dressing down.

But, see, that’s what I mean. These White House reporters are just like cliquey mean girls. And Kaitlan broke ranks by inadvertently exposing to the world what a hot-headed old man Grandpa Joe is. So she gets the brush-off and, worse, is forced to accept Biden’s subsequent apology live on the air.

Michael Tracey was tweeting during yesterday’s press conference and I think he really hit the nail on the head:

I don’t know if you’ve ever watched a State Department press briefing. But those reporters, unlike the White House reporters, really know they’re stuff. They ask intelligent informed questions not the gossipy silliness like we saw over the last several days.

From now on, when Biden travels overseas (provided the White House lets him after this disastrous trip), the only reporters who should accompany him are the ones assigned to the State Department. Leave the cast of High School Musical back at the White House cafeteria where they belong.