Debunking the “good taste” stereotype one Pride flag at a time
Have you seen the new Pride flag?
The Pride folks unveiled their new flag last week and man oh Manischewitz, is it ugly.

I mean, come on. Just because those are all colors doesn’t mean they go together. What a hot mess.
You know, for years it was accepted belief that gays had really good taste and fashion sense. They are, after all, well represented in fashion, interior design and other aesthetics-related fields.
Hell, it’s such a common stereotype we even got a TV show called “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” where a gaggle of gay men use their eye for taste and style to make a straight guy look good.
So how the heck do you explain that hideous Pride flag?
Either the gays aren’t in charge of Pride anymore or they really weren’t the aesthetic icons we were led to believe. Because wow. That is one ugly-ass flag.
This hot mess of a Pride flag looks like Rainbow Brite threw up then took a crap on the vomit.
Why the hell didn’t they just stick with the rainbow? That’s what I want to know. It was colorful, vibrant and, well gay.
I’ve said before that with all the insanity coming from the Left, Kurt Schlichter’s Kelly Turnbull novels are looking more and more like non-fiction. And not just in the big things.
Take the ever-changing, constantly-updating Pride flag of the Blue States that make up the People’s Republic. It becomes a running joke in the books that those guys couldn’t leave well enough alone. Kelly Turnbull can tell how old a government poster or billboard is based solely on the version of the rainbow flag that appears on the bottom.
I don’t even want to know what the purple circle is supposed to represent.
Frankly it surprises me that they could find 900 people to “retweet if you like the new design!”
I suggest we get the Queer Eye guys on this Pride flag STAT. Because that ugly-ass thing is ruining a perfectly good stereotype. And that is nothing to be proud of.
Hey, speaking of bad taste.
The other day Jill Biden met with the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, wearing a dress that had the zipper in the front.
Now, while it looks like Joe’s dementia might be rubbing off on the Missus causing her to put her dress on backwards, it turns out that this dress is actually designed that way.
Bergdorf Goodman sells a “front-zipper” A-line dress for just shy of three thousand dollars.
Why in Lucifer’s reach would anybody spend nearly three thousand bucks to walk around in public looking like she put her dress on backwards?
Rich people don’t have the sense God gave a goat.
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