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Amazon Driver Who Claimed “Self-Defense” Is Seen On Video Viciously Attacking 67 y.o. Victim

I love when liars are caught, it restores my faith in the fact that people suck.

The older woman was notified that her package arrived. She went to the lobby and it wasn’t there. She asked the driver if she had it. She said she’d get it.

15 minutes went by and the woman went back out to ask where it was.

The Amazon driver said something about her white privilege.

The woman said, “you don’t have to be a bitch about it, and walked away.”

This enraged the “unprivileged, uncivilized, woke moron who uses the buzzwords of white pony-tailed professors, and she did what low IQ useful idiots do. She attacked the woman, and then lied about it like leftists do and said she was acting in self-defense.


Now that this thug was caught lying, there are still leftist shitstains who will tell you that the woman “got what she deserved” because she “mouthed off” to a minority. And words are violence! Actual violence, committed by non-whites, is righteousness.