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Interesting Developments in AZ Ballot Audit – State Senate Asks County Officials to Testify About...

Interesting Developments in Maricopa, Arizona, Ballot Audit

State Senate Asks County Officials to Testify About Deleted Files, Significant Irregularities and Tabulation Machine Manipulation

A few rather interesting developments in the Maricopa County, Arizona, ballot audit might begin to paint a picture of what possibly took place.

Let’s start with a letter sent by Senate President Karen Fann to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.  Make sure you read the full letter:

Here is where it gets interesting.

Let’s focus on the “database directory” that was found to have been deleted by the auditors.  Pay attention to the dates ‘CREATED’ and the size of the ballot file size ‘bytes’:

What are the odds the 2020 Democrat Presidential Primary Election file created 3/25/2020 would be the exact same size as the audited 2/3/2021 General election file?

Pres Primary file created 3/25/2020 8,388,608 bytes

General Election file created 2/3/2021 8,388,608 bytes

Notice the date this General Election file was created corresponds with the Maricopa Board of Supervisors being under pressure and holding a BOS vote on whether to audit the Maricopa County ballot results in an attempt to stop further public inquiry into potential misconduct.  See this article link:

[Thursday January 27th, 2021] –  “The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors will vote Wednesday on whether to conduct another audit on the county voting system in an attempt to placate any concerns of voter fraud or election misconduct during the 2020 general election.

The public can watch at 9:30 a.m. as the board considers an item at its public meeting that proposes “hiring two independent, qualified firms to independently audit tabulation hardware and software in a way that protects private voter information and our investment in the machines,” according to a statement from Chairman Jack Sellers.”

The article was written Wed Jan 26th, revised Thur Jan 27th.  The “will vote Wednesday” is February 3rd, the same day the file was accessed

On that February 3rd date the Arizona State Senate voted to hold the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in contempt.  See this article link:

[February 3, 2021] – All 16 Republicans in the Arizona Senate co-sponsored a resolution calling for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to be held in contempt and arrested for refusing to comply with wide-ranging subpoenas for election equipment and materials.

Senate Resolution 1005 directs Senate President Karen Fann to “take all legal action pursuant to section 41-1153” of state law, which says that any “witness neglecting or refusing to attend in obedience to a subpoena may be arrested by the sergeant-at-arms and brought before the senate or house.” 

What this all means is yet to be determined; however, there is a general outline starting to emerge.  Consider this scenario….

We know the 2020 Democrat President Primary was eventually coordinated by party officials, the DNC and the Obama network to put Joe Biden into place right before the 2020 South Carolina primary:

“Right before the SC Primary the DNC Club knew they had a problem with the Bernie Sanders momentum.  An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called. The DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary outcome.

Former President Obama was initiated by the Club to contact all candidates and inform them when and how they would quit the race and fall-in-line behind Joe Biden.  Clyburn was then triggered to initiate his endorsement and begin the rapid-fire process.

Within 48 hours all members of the club and candidates had their instructions and proceeded to follow-through on the plan.  They had no choice.  If they did not comply they would suffer the consequences of a fully aligned club hierarchy who would target them personally and financially.  The plan worked flawlessly.

As part of the coordinated deal Representative James Clyburn was put in charge of the Biden campaign; Clyburn stunningly admitted this immediately after the strategy went public.”

Could it be that Maricopa County ballots (files) from the 2020 primary were used in the electronic tabulation machines as files to enhance the 2021 general election?   If so, that would imply this strategy to manipulate the tabulation machines was in place for quite a long time prior to the November 2020 election.

We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out.  What we know right now is the Arizona State Senate no longer wants background conversations with county officials; and instead wants the Maricopa county board of supervisors to appear for public hearings where the content and discussion is visible for everyone to see.



President Trump Highlights Maricopa County Audit that Shows 

“Main Database for all Election Related Data for the 

November 2020 General Election Has Been Removed”

From the Desk of President Trump – “A devastating letter written by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann on voting irregularities, and probably fraud, in Maricopa County during the 2020 Presidential Election. Even the database was illegally deleted after the subpoena to produce the information. Senate President Fann has invited Maricopa County officials to a public hearing on May 18 to allow them the opportunity to try to explain what happened to the missing databases, ballots, and other significant issues. The Fake News and Lamestream Media is doing everything they can not to cover this major story. They just refuse to talk or report about it. They don’t want the United States or World to see what is going on with our corrupt, third world election. [Read the full letter here]”