American conservatives are being ‘otherized,’ just as Jews always have been
Article by Gary Gindler in The American Thinker
American conservatives are being ‘otherized,’ just as Jews always have been
What is the name of the police officer at the Minnesota show trial? His given name is Derek Chauvin, but the circumstances of this trial suggest that perhaps his last name may as well be Dreyfus. French officer Alfred Dreyfus was neither the first nor the last to suffer from the mass hysteria of the brainless crowd. He was eventually acquitted on appeal, but there is no guarantee that the same fate awaits this Minnesota police officer. What’s common to both the Chauvin and Dreyfus cases is that a phony press, high-ranking politicians, and well-brainwashed citizens played a decisive role in something that the law and only the law should have operated.
The mass-disinformation media create their own reality, and in this reality, officers Alfred Dreyfus and Derek Chauvin are guilty. In America, this alternative reality is based on the fact that we allegedly have systemic, institutional racism. If we accept this point of view, we then must acknowledge that the systemically racist American judicial system delivered Chauvin a guilty verdict. Of course, this is a logical contradiction – if institutional racism exists, why would Chauvin be spending decades in prison?
Was the jury’s decision fair? From the jury’s point of view, of course. Otherwise, their lives and the lives of their families would not be worth a penny. From the point of view of the city of Minneapolis, it was very fair. Otherwise, the city would have been burned to the ground. From a legal point of view, this was a gross, unforgivable, but possibly deliberate mistake. It is entirely plausible that there is a sober calculation here – to postpone the pogroms until the appellate court’s decision. Most likely, the appellate decision will coincide precisely with the next presidential election or a Republican president’s inauguration.
With braggadocio, Antifa proudly proclaims that Chauvin’s conviction was possible only because of their “daring” campaign of mass terror and calls for further violent actions and attacks on law enforcement. “All cops are Derek Chauvin” – read their post-trial slogan. This also applies to flippant or frightened police officers who flinched and knelt in front of BLM and thereby demonstrated their weakness to the Leftists.
With grief, conservatives in America are now assigned a second-class status, just like the Jews in Nazi Germany. The appropriate term to describe this new political phenomenon would be Judenization.
The chaos on the streets of many American cities began in 2018 with Jewish pogroms. BLM and Antifa attacked Jews and synagogues. The chaos continued for years. In 2021, this Judenization of all American dissidents reached a new level.
Currently, American citizens who legally acquire or inherit firearms face the threat of confiscation. Most conservatives have been banished to digital Gulags and internet concentration camps. Conservatives are the only ones who warn that these virtual, digital Gulags are paving the way for the real Gulags.
Germany from 1933 to 1938 followed a similar path. The Nazis outlawed firearms for everyone except members of organizations associated with the Nazis. Censorship was rampant, including the public burning of “unwanted” books. Finally, an attempt was made to the “final solution to the Jewish question” – first in the Third Reich and then in the Soviet Union.
21st century America has so much in common with the Third Reich and the USSR, especially the juxtaposition of European Jews and American conservatives – and, indeed, all White Americans who have not abased themselves before the left. America is still far from full-fledged Nazi or Soviet terror. Today, this is just an inquisition against conservatives, Republicans, and other dissidents, but this may be just the beginning. If left unhindered, it is clear that the American Left is setting the stage for a “final solution to the conservative and White question.”
Chauvin’s trial may mean that soon the conservatives will have to wear an American flag badge on their clothes – as a sign of their second-class citizen status. The first-class citizens will not wear a swastika (after all, it’s the 21st century) but a badge with a hammer and sickle. An American professor, a BLM supporter, said immediately after Chauvin’s verdict: “One cop almost down. A massive carceral system and a million other cops, capitalism, White supremacy, patriarchy, ableism, misogyny, to go.”
Judaization came about because the reasons the Left hates America and the reasons the Left hates Jews are essentially the same. Anti-Americanism has always paralleled anti-Semitism, and the persecution of conservatives in America is strikingly similar to the persecution of European Jews.
Unfortunately, America has not learned the lessons of the pogroms of 2018-2020. For example, Minneapolis’s “autonomous zone” posted new rules that all Whites who enter the zone must follow. The rules oblige Whites to make every effort to actively demonstrate their position as second-class citizens.
Another example of Judenization in America is in Washington state. There, coronavirus vaccination is available foremost only to blacks, American Indians, and everyone else of color. Some medical institutions do not even schedule vaccination appointments for Whites at all – Whites are put on a separate, segregated waiting list.
There is no conclusive evidence for the existence of systemic racism in America. But there are signs of systemic Judenization.
In the slave era, Democrats masterfully used Blacks for their own purposes. After that, during segregation, the Democrats skillfully used Whites for their own purposes. Now the Democrats have switched back to Blacks and are using them to the fullest for their political ends. However, the mistakes of White Democrats in the 19th century against Blacks cannot be corrected in the 21st century by bullying White conservatives. We cannot get rid of the consequences of the existence of second-class people in the past by creating new second-class people.
The leftwing bandits’ incitement, along with legal, financial, and political support for persecuting conservatives and Whites is contrary to the Constitution and leads to an unnecessary confrontation in society. America does not need Judenization of any part of society; only anti-American forces need it. Of course, the primary victims of societal disintegration will be Black and White citizens who follow this sinister leftist ideology. At present, these forces are united against the common hated capitalist enemy – America, but the time is not far off when they will begin to gnaw each other’s throats.
When the Founders adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, that marked the beginning of our country. Almost 250 years later, many brainless Americans advocate adopting a Declaration of Dependence.
The Left wants American citizens to be entirely dependent on Washington. They want citizens to depend on handouts from the federal government. They want the welfare of citizens to depend on the degree of their conformity to ideas of narrow-minded Democrat gerontocracy. They want individual freedom and freedom of speech to depend on sincerity in supporting leftist dogmas. To achieve this, they must break our existing social compact. To that end, the Chauvin-Dreyfus affair means that most of America’s law-abiding citizens are undergoing a violent Judenization process, which will naturally be followed by an attempt at a “final solution.”
In the not-too-distant future, many unsuspecting Americans will be faced with the unfamiliar word Judenfrei or more precisely, they’ll face its Newspeak equivalent.

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