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Those knife-wielding scamps!

Welcome to the bigotry of low expectations.

I might have been crippled by a Lupus flare this week, but believe me, there was no escaping the news that a knife-wielding teenager was shot and killed by police to stop her from gutting someone like a mackerel.

I’ve seen the body cam and security footage, and I’d say that young woman who nearly got killed owes her life to a quick-reacting police officer.

But of course since the knife-wielding teen was black, suddenly a knife-wielding teen trying to gut someone like a mackerel is totally normal behavior for a “baby” or “child” or “promoter of peace.”

Oh, yes. Those knife-wielding scamps! Hey, stabbing happens. What’s the big deal?

If we don’t need police showing up, then am I to assume this crank would be totally fine with a teenage girl stabbing someone to death?

“No cops! No cops! It’s just one life snuffed out. Come on, folks. If you think we need to stop a cold-blooded murder, y’all need help. I mean that sincerely.”

If you’re okay with murder, perhaps you are the one that needs help, Bree.

I can’t even imagine what kind of world this woman wants to live in. But I can assure you, I don’t want to live there. Why on earth would we normalize knife-wielding teens trying to stab someone to death?

Knife-Wielding Apologist Cori Bush

This is a sitting US Congresswoman and Black Lives Matter Marxist.

First of all, a sixteen-year-old is not a baby. No baby I’ve ever known tried to stab someone to death.

Second of all, convictions might not save lives, but that police officer did. He stopped this “baby” from killing someone else’s “baby.” Does that person’s life not matter to Cori Bush?

And finally, if Cori Bush objects to the killing of black babies, perhaps she should oppose abortion which kills more black children every year than knife-wielding lunatics do.

Odd how Cori didn’t write “shot and killed by police yesterday after she lunged at someone and tried to gut her like a mackerel.” Okay, no. It isn’t odd. Heaven forbid she place the police shooting in the context in which it happens. Besides, pointing out that this “16-year-old baby” was trying to stab someone to death kind of ruins Cori’s narrative, doesn’t it?

Val Jar Knife-wielding apologist

It isn’t a “knife fight” when only one person has a knife, Val. It is “attempted murder.”

“Immediately” = after several verbal commands went unnoticed and a young woman was seconds away from being skewered.

Valerie, like the rest of the race-baiting cranks on the Left doesn’t want accountability. And she sure as hell doesn’t want “justice.”

If some knife-wielding lunatic was seconds away from stabbing me, I sure as hell don’t want the police standing there, guns holstered trying to talk her out of it. When her knife-hand is in the wind-up stage and heading my way, the time for verbal deescalation is over — mostly because nobody can talk that fast.

These women all seem to think that teenage “babies” attempting to murder someone with a knife is just something teenage “babies” do, and the police have no business trying to stop them.

Inherent in the objections to the police stopping a murder is the idea that bloodthirsty violence and knife-wielding teenagers are just cultural things. Hey, it’s been going on for eons.

Call me crazy, but this sounds like the bigotry of low expectations. Are they not implying that we can’t expect black teenagers to behave like civilized human beings? I could be wrong. Maybe I’m misreading their defenses of this murderous teenager. But how else would you explain the “Oh, come on! It’s just a knife fight!” argument?

Boy, I couldn’t put it better.

This morning, I saw a tweet from Fox News that at first blush might seem unrelated. But it is totally related.

The assumption of the Virginia DOE is that non-white students are not smart enough to qualify for accelerated classes, therefore nobody should be allowed accelerated classes.

So, if you’re paying attention, black teenagers don’t know any better than to stab people who make them angry, nor do they have the intellectual capacity to excel in academics.

Progressives just can’t stop sending us backwards.

Remember back on April Fool’s Day (how appropriate) I wrote about US Congressman Jamaal Bowman decrying the racism of standardized testing? I suggested that either he’s a moron or he’s a big fan of eighteenth century taxonomist Carl Linneaus.

Linneaus described “Europeaus albus” as “gentle, acute, inventive” and “governed by laws.” Whereas he viewed the “Africanus niger” variety of human as “crafty, sly, lazy, cunning, lustful, careless” and “governed by caprice.”

For nearly a century, Linneaus’ work was used to defend the practice of slavery. You can see why. If a scientist says black Africans are just a crafty, sly, lazy, cunning, lustful, careless lot only governed by their sudden changes in mood, why shouldn’t the more “gentle, acute, inventive” white Europeans enslave them?

Well, here we are again. Progressives are sending us back to the eighteenth century.

Clearly Bree Newsome, Cori Bush, Valerie Jarrett and the Virginia Department of Education agree with Carl Linneaus.

Perhaps it’s just me, but the “racists” in this situation aren’t the police or “accelerated math classes.” The racists here are those who want to normalize the idea that black teens are violent and stupid, and therefore we must drag our entire society into lawlessness and ignorance so as not to make them feel bad for being violent and stupid.

I don’t know about you, but I find that repulsive.