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If this is an example of Hyena Harris in charge, we got a problem

Does Harris have a different definition of “in charge?”

Two weeks ago, Joe Biden announced that he was putting Hyena Harris in charge of the not-a-crisis Border crisis.

Since then, the Vice President has made several trips to the border to tour detention facilities. She held round table discussions with Border Patrol and Customs Enforcement. And last week, she boarded a patrol boat to inspect the border along the Rio Grande.


She hasn’t done squat.

She has been in charge since March 24, and in that time, Hyena hasn’t stepped foot on the southern border. Not once.

Sure, she traveled to the border to protest Trump “putting kids in cages.” But now that Hyena Harris is in charge of those cages on the border, she’s a no-show.

If you put me in charge of cleaning up the garbage on my street from last week’s wind storm, and I don’t bother to step outside with a garbage bag in hand or even make phone calls to get other people to do it for me, am I in charge?

If Harris is in charge of the border crisis, why is she flying to Oakland to promote Biden’s “not-an-infrastructure bill” infrastructure bill?

Does Harris have a different definition of “in charge?”

This is the woman who will probably be appointed President of the United States before the year is out. And if this is an example of Hyena Harris in charge, that’s a problem.

As it is the putative Guy in Charge isn’t the guy in charge. We effectively do not have a Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief right now.

And clearly if this is an example of Hyena Harris in charge, Joe’s inevitable ouster won’t solve the problem of our lack of a President.

Hyena wants to give speeches, do fawning interviews and fly around on Air Force Two. She doesn’t want to take the risks associated with actually governing.

My guess is, Hyena Harris and her handlers have zero interest in being in charge of the border crisis because the border crisis isn’t just a cataclysmic disaster and national security threat, it’s a public opinion catastrophe as well. 

Like the shantytowns that sprang up during the Depression were called “Hoovervilles,” I’m thinking Harris is terrified that her name will be forever linked to the disaster on the border — like calling them “Kamala Kages.”

So to avoid the unwanted association, she’s just pretending she has nothing to do with the thing Biden put her in charge of.

On the very same day Joe Biden put Hyena Harris in charge of the border, I said that she is like Sacagawea’s baby. Kamala Harris doesn’t lead; she is led. She doesn’t carry the ball; she’s the one who gets carried.

Putting Hyena Harris in charge of anything this consequential was doomed from the start.

But Joe Biden wouldn’t know that. Because like his Vice President, he isn’t in charge either.