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Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer has more excuses than Hillary

How long before Whitmer blames Michigan’s latest surge on James Comey, Macedonian content farmers and Vladimir Putin?

Michigan is experiencing a wave of Wuhan cases that rival the initial outbreak over a year ago. This, “despite” having some of the most stringent restrictions and mandates in the nation. But according to Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer, everybody not named “Gretchen Whitmer” is to blame.

It’s the Republican legislature’s fault.

No. It’s the Republican State Supreme Court.

No. It’s the fault of those reckless Michiganders who dared to travel to Florida.

Gretchen has more excuses than Hillary Clinton.

How long before she blames James Comey, Macedonian content farmers and Vladimir Putin?

If the spike in cases is due to a lack of strict adherence to her lockdown orders, how does Gretchen explain Texas? After Governor Abbott lifted all restrictions, cases in Texas have steadily declined.

A rational person would conclude that these draconian restrictions don’t make a damn bit of difference. In fact, they just might make things worse.

A rational person would consider that perhaps the surge isn’t “despite” these strict dictates. Instead, perhaps these strict dictates have hampered Michigan’s chances of developing enough herd immunity to naturally slow the spread.

But Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer is not a rational person.

One only needs to review her reactionary, panicked response to the Wuhan pandemic to know this is the case.

Study after study is now showing that mask wearing and shutting people in their homes does more harm than good.

What’s stunning is Gretchen “Not My Fault” Whitmer even admitted on Meet the Press yesterday that her initial overreaction last spring prevented Michiganders from developing antibodies against the Wuhan virus thus making them more susceptible to the new strains.

Amazing how she can flat-out admit that and still not recognize that maybe, just maybe, her actions are responsible for the current problem.

But that would require self-awareness and honesty – two qualities “Not My Fault” Whitmer appears to lack.

Which might explain why last week Gretchen doubled down and extended her work-from-home order for another six months.

Seriously, this woman is an incompetent fool.

And like every other incompetent fool, she is focused on pointing the finger at others while absolving herself of any blame.


To spare USA Today additional shoe leather, yes, that image is “altered.” I added the “The Buck Stops Over There” block and the Saint Stacey prayer candle. However, it should be noted that the Saint Stacey prayer candle is, in fact, something Gretchen Whitmer owns. She tweeted out a picture of it in early January as I noted HERE.