Friday, April 2, 2021

Border patrol agent: Record increase of sex offenders crossing southern border


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:10 PM PT – Thursday, April 1, 2021

Project Veritas interviewed a border patrol agent who claimed leaked government documents show a record spike in sex offender encounters at the southern border. The watchdog group’s founder, James O’Keefe, released the video Thursday, in which the agent explained there has been an increase in sex offenders since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.




The agent even said the reported numbers, which are the highest they’ve been in the past five years, could be inaccurate and “low.”

“An encounter is an arrest,” the whistleblower noted. “And it’s extremely accurate and possibly underreported because sometimes we don’t know about their criminal history or they haven’t got caught.”


 The agent added, the border situation was much better under President Trump, both in terms of the number of illegal migrants crossing the border as well as the living conditions America provided. 






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