Friday, April 2, 2021

$4M book deal: Killing seniors sure is profitable

Incompetence and corruption pay really well.

Last year when Andrew Cuomo was given a book deal to write his Song of Praise to Myself for an “undisclosed” advance. Cuomo’s office said the amount of said advance wouldn’t be revealed until he had to do so in his annual financial disclosure which is due in May.

Well, much to Andy’s chagrin, the book deal advance is “undisclosed” no more.

According to the New York Times, Crown Books gave Governor Grandma Killer a cool four million dollars to pen his self-congratulatory piece of fiction “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

I wonder how much Cuomo could’ve gotten if he was actually the paragon of leadership he claims himself to be.

Actually, I don’t have to wonder at all. Crown Books has yet to offer a book deal to Ron DeSantis, so the answer is apparently zero.

I read through the article at the New York Post, and I actually laughed out loud when I saw this little nugget:

The draft that DeRosa worked on didn’t include any mention of the Health Department report or its findings, but did have a searing indictment of Mayor Bill de Blasio, according to the Times.

Cuomo wrote that his political foe had “very little interest or aptitude for government policy or governmental operations.”

He also slammed his fellow Democrat as being “viewed as one of the worst mayors in modern history,” who suffers from “obvious ego driven narcissism.”

Imagine how lacking in self-awareness you would have to be to accept a $4M book deal to write about your own superior leadership then, in an early draft, accuse another politician of “obvious ego-driven narcissism.”

I mean, it’s hilarious!

Takes one to know one I suppose.

Then again, accusing someone else of his own moral failings is so in character for Andrew Cuomo, frankly I’m surprised he didn’t leave that part in.

According to the Post article, Cuomo may have violated the strict guidelines from the State’s ethics agency which barred him from using state resources (personnel or property) for activities related to this idiotic book.

That revelation came after the Times report, which detailed how Benton, for instance, twice asked assistants to print parts of the draft and deliver them to Cuomo at the Executive Mansion in Albany.

One of the requests, on July 5, involved a 224-page draft with edits from DeRosa, the report said.

I imagine Crown Books is feeling particularly stupid right about now. Here they give a man so corrupt and venal a book deal worth four million dollars, not based on reality, but on fawning, sycophantic press coverage. Then, when reality bursts through the bubble, Crown Books is forced to suspend publication.

I wonder if they got their four million dollar’s back before that happened.

Personally, I think Crown Books deserves every ounce of discomfort and embarrassment they might be feeling over this.

Though, they can take comfort in knowing that at least they’re still alive and unmolested after crossing paths with Andrew Cuomo.

Not everybody can say that.