Friday, April 2, 2021

Lawfare – NY Prosecutors Subpoena the Personal Bank Records of Trump Organization CFO

 Lawfare – The Intent is To Find a Way, 

a Backdoor, to Destroy Donald Trump

Let’s be clear about the motives of a fully weaponized DOJ here.  The DOJ is looking for any way to destroy Donald J Trump.  As long as he exists in the sphere of political influence, he represents a risk to their objectives.

Direct targeting of Donald Trump has not succeeded.  Direct attacks against Donald Trump and his organization and personal finances have not succeeded.  The DOJ is not getting the results they need…. So now they need a backdoor, some leverage, from somewhere, anywhere, where they can use that leverage to destroy their enemy.  THAT is what’s going on.

NEW YORK – New York state prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed the personal bank records of the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer in the investigation into former President Trump and his company, The New York Times reports.

Prosecutors are reportedly looking into gifts Allen Weisselberg, who has been with the Trump Organization for decades, and his family received from Trump. The CFO has not been accused of any criminal activity, noted The Times, which reported earlier this month that the investigation was shifting its focus to Weisselberg.

The former daughter-in-law of Weisselberg spoke out this month about the probe into the Trump Organization CFO, claiming she had discussed the situation “multiple times” with the Manhattan district attorney’s office. (read more)

As long as Donald J Trump exists to represent a risk to the global power structures that seek to exploit and destroy this nation, they will never relent from their efforts to destroy him, his family, his wealth, his fortune or his honor.

Nothing else is as important as the elimination of Donald J Trump.