“Where’s the cat?!” Finally, a broken promise reporters notice
posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort
With everything that’s going on, why the hell is a White House reporter wasting time asking Jen Psircle about the Bidens’ promise to adopt a cat?
Could you imagine if OAN White House reporter Chanel Rion asked Kayleigh McEneny a stupid question like that?
Some reporter would’ve left an anonymous snotty note on her desk that read: “Do you think your question was helpful in halting the spread of coronavirus?”
But that was then.
This is now.
And now the White House Press Corps serve as Biden’s Public Relations Firm. Their job is to minimize damage, hide scandals, and ignore the long litany of broken promises while keeping things light and fluffy.
And what’s fluffier than a cat?
Good grief, what a clown show.
I can see why the press is upset. After all, the Bidens did tell Jane Pauley way back in November that, in addition to their two dogs, they would be adopting a cat.
Oh, my, but reporters were over the moon!!!
They’re getting a kitty!!! How REFRESHING!!! They should name it Malarkey!
Well now those reporters want answers. Where’s that damn cat we were promised?!
Fifty days in, and this is the broken promise White House reporters are chuffed about.
Not the broken promise of $2,000 checks going out the door on Day OneTM.
Not the broken promise over fracking.
Not the broken southern border.
Nope. They’re chuffed about the lack of a First Feline.
I get it. I do.
The news media went into orgasmic spasms of delight over the “First Dogs” – even going so far as to interview a pet psychic to find out what Champ and Major think about moving into the White House.
Now we know that instead of a pet psychic, they really should have sought out a pet exorcist.
The public relations accessory known as Major Biden isn’t the lovable scamp these PR flacks built him up to be. Instead, he’s an aggressive, out of control animal who bit someone bad enough to require medical attention. And faster than you can say “rabies shot,” Major was banished to Delaware.

I don’t know about you, but I think dumping Major’s belongings outside of the house doesn’t scream “beloved family pet.” No, that kind of thing says “Disposable PR prop.”
If you have a dog for nearly two years and it is an unruly, aggressive biter, you’re not cut out to own a pet. Then again, if a naked Joe Biden chased me around the house, I’d be a fear-biter too.
As a dog lover and a cat lover, for the sake of cats everywhere, this is one broken promise I’m glad about. The Bidens are using pets as a photo op accessory nothing more. And clearly they aren’t good pet owners.
Fifty days. President Biden has gone fifty days without holding a press conference. White House staff routinely herd reporters away from the hapless old coot rather than let them ask him questions. The southern border is being overrun with thousands of illegal aliens eager to exploit the accommodating open border activists running the Biden White House. The House is set to pass and send to the President
a $1.9 Trillion spending package — only 9% of which is COVID-related.
And these idiot reporters ignore all that to complain about the broken promise of a cat?
But of course Jen doesn’t circle back. She answers the question.
Trust me. The Biden White House needs a distraction – or cat-straction as the case may be.
And, PR flacks that they are, the reporters in the White House press corps are happy to serve up the perfect distraction all so they don’t have to hold this feckless, irresponsible administration to account.
Which is precisely why Jen Psircle is happy to play along.
Yes, that’s the idea, isn’t it Jen? A minor, irrelevant PR puff piece to “break the internet” in order to distract voters from the fact that not only is Joe Biden a terrible pet owner, he’s a supremely terrible President.
If only we had some serious reporters at the White House instead of these feckless pussies.
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