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Pussies in uniform

Greatest Military in the World or a gaggle of thin-skinned girls? 
These pussies are as touchy as a beauty losing her looks.

Apparently a Republican Congresswoman mistakenly referred to Guam as a foreign country. I guess it could’ve been worse. She could’ve said Guam would capsize if too many people stood on it. But for the sin of making this mistake, the Congressional member from Guam decided to march the Guam National Guard to said Congresswoman’s office to teach her a thing or two.

Because that’s the purpose of the National Guard – to offer an official “clap-back” that they can post on social media like a bunch of easily-offended pussies.

The “threat” from “white supremacist insurrectionists” must not be that dire if these pussies in uniform have time to stage a social media protest outside of a Congresswoman’s office.

On its face, what these members of America’s Fighting Force did is childish, thin-skinned and petulant.

But it reveals a far deeper problem that really should concern us as a nation.

The United States Military is supposed to be apolitical. How can you protect and defend the liberties of all Americans if you are openly siding with one political party over another?

We’re supposed to believe that the Guam National Guard is a lean, mean fighting machine after they let themselves be used by a Democrat politician to create a viral video?

I don’t think so.

Using the Guam National Guard as a political prop to “own” a member of the other party isn’t just putting a toe out of line. It is crossing the line entirely.

The member of Congress who used them this way should be censured.

And the members of the Guam National Guard who played along should face punishment.

But given the direction of the US Military over the last several years, I doubt anything will happen.

The Guam National Guard’s staged “clap-back” isn’t even the first of such political posturing we’ve seen this past week.

America’s first line of defense has been taking to twitter like dancing COVID nurses ever since Tucker Carlson did a segment on the skewed priorities of the American military.

Last week and through the weekend, official Military Twitter accounts were issuing “clap-back” after “clap-back” at Tucker Carlson for committing the crime of pointing out that the purpose of the military is to defend the country and defeat America’s enemies.

Tucker expressed justifiable concern that the Military is becoming far too steeped in identity politics, and as a result its priorities are off-kilter.

And in an effort to prove Tucker right, these pussies in uniform got touchier than a beauty losing her looks and well-I-nevered themselves into a lather – posting videos and “well-oh-yeah?!” messages to Carlson like a bunch of wronged women.

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Apparently the new gender-neutral uniform of the United States Military will be a big girl’s blouse.

America’s enemies are watching these displays of thin-skinned girlishness from America’s fighting force and laughing themselves silly.

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Do these pussies think a war with China will be fought on Twitter?

“Major. The line has been overrun and the troops are scattering. We need air support!”

“Well, I can’t give you air support, Lieutenant. Our pilot is seven months pregnant and can’t fit into the cockpit. But I’ll tell you what I will do for you. I’ll post a video on Twitter clapping back at the Chinese for not respecting our female fighters.”

Now, the Twitter ResistanceLOL is loving the new, totally PC Pussies in Uniform. Mostly because they’re delighted to have a Military that is finally targeting the only enemy that matters to them – namely We the People.

As Jesse Kelly often says, there is not a single institution that these commies look at and say, “No. We’ll leave that one alone.” They want to overrun everything — universities, public schools, corporations, churches, Federal law enforcement. And now they’re swallowing up the last hold-out, the United States Military.

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This is worrying on so many levels – and not just because America’s enemies are watching these pussies in uniform make complete idiots of themselves for Twitter likes and retweets.

When we have a military that takes sides in politics, what happens when the politicians decide turn the half of the country that isn’t in their party into the enemy?

Aren’t they already doing that?

I mean, why the hell else turn DC into a militarized zone?

Why “purge” so-called “extremists” (read anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat) from the ranks?

Every unit in the Soviet Union had their own political commissar – an officer whose job it was to ensure those in uniform toe the Party line while preserving Party control over the military.

This is what we have today — in the United States of America for crap’s sake.

And this will have real world consequences not just for America’s national security, but also for our ability to remain one unified nation.

Barack Obama fired General Stanley McChrystal for referring to then-Vice President Biden as “Bite me.”

Where are the consequences for the naked politicization of the Military we’re witnessing today?

Will there be any consequences?

If the US Military isn’t a broken husk populated by pussies in uniform, every single member of the Guam National Guard who staged this social media protest against a sitting Congresswoman would be dishonorably discharged. Every single pussy in uniform who used Twitter to attack an American cable news host for sweet, sweet retweets would be stripped of command – as would their commanding officers.

But I’d be shocked if they face any consequences.

Why would they?

This is exactly the kind of military the Biden Administration wants.

It’s exactly the kind of military the Biden Administration needs.

When you view half the country as the enemy, you need men and women in uniform who share that view.

And they’re getting it.