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W³P Open Thread: We talk about Stonks and how much Joe Xiden Sucks Edition

It's everybody's favorite weekly series that gets posted randomly on a semi-monthly-ish basis. On this week's show, we watch Sam cook some cheesesteaks with beef that doesn't exist where I live; A cat makes a bad decision; we make fun of the Chinese President of the U.S. Joe Xiden; we take a serious look at this weeks stock market action; and finally we end with some tunes mostly from bands that I don't even listen to. It's an action packed episode, so let's get this show on the road.

We open up with Sam's Cheesesteak Battle. Both look good, but I can't get the wagyu beef or the shiitake mushrooms where I live, so I'd have to substitute. Has anyone tried wagyu? Is it as good as they say or is it overrated. Let me know down in the comments.

Uh Oh. Mr. Cat thought he was making the galaxy brain play, but he was wrong! 😮😮🤣🤣

It's common knowledge at this point that China took the election away from United States citizens in November. Joe Xiden is their very own puppet president. Although, it's up for debate whether or not he actually knows what is going on ... I mean let's be real folks, he probably doesn't even know where he is. Anyways, let's make fun of this loser.

And how about retail investors sticking it to the billionaire hedge fund guys. That's been pretty entertaining. We'll dive deep into the technical analysis of what has transpired in our new segment titled Stonks-N-Shiz®.




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