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Lickspittle Mitt

Lickspittle Mitt is the poster boy for 
this kind of sniveling, sycophantic surrender 
establishment Republicans are known for.

Every time Mitt Romney makes one of his Well-I-Never! statements in opposition to something President Trump or his fellow Republicans say or do, I have a visual picture of him trussed up in Chuck Schumer’s basement with a ball-gag in his mouth.

In short, Mitt is the Left’s lickspittle – a fawning, obsequious suck-up desperate for approval from those that hate you.

Lickspittle Mitt is a case study in why Republicans get mowed over by Democrats every single time.

Democrats never bow down. They never say die.

This is one thing Jesse Kelly admires about the loathsome Nancy Pelosi. In December, when Nancy brushed off Eric Swalwell kanoodling a Chinese honey trap by shifting attention to the fringe, completely ineffectual QAnon, Jesse Kelly said:

“The master at work. Learn from her, @GOP. Learn from her. Never apologize. Never let them decide what you talk about. Never back down. Attack at all times.

“I love her. I wish we had 100 of her on our side.”

Republicans get their lunch money stolen by the Democrats every single time because they worry far too much about gaining the approval of the media and the Democrats.

JK Tweet: Lickspittle Mitt

Lickspittle Mitt is the poster boy for this kind of sniveling, sycophantic surrender establishment Republicans are known for. He is the John McCain of Jeff Flakes.

If Trump hadn’t had the election stolen out from under him, I guarantee you the Democrats would be lining up en masse to object to the certification of electors.

More importantly, not one Democrat in either the Senate or the House would be issuing a statement objecting to the move while clutching pearls and well-I-nevering about the threat to our “Democratic Republic.”

But with twelve Republican Senators poised to do just that, here comes Lickspittle Mitt to clutch his pearls and well-I-never.

“The egregious ploy to reject electors may enhance the personal ambition of some,” Lickspittle Mitt breathlessly tweeted last night, “but dangerously threatens our Democratic Republic.”

Ironic that he frets about “personal ambition” when this well-I-nevery statement is all about remaining in the good graces of the Democrats and the media.

Like McCain and Flake before him, Lickspittle Mitt cares more about what the media and the Democrats think of him than what the American people think.

Nothing was more of a threat to our Republic than Congressional Democrats spending four years trying to overturn the 2016 election – even to the point of trying to impeach President Trump over nothing.

And, say. Who was the one Republican Senator who voted to convict?

Oh, yeah. That’s right. Lickspittle Mitt.

And why did he do it?

Because he knew siding with the Democrats would enhance his personal ambition.

The one thing that fills Mitt Romney with dread is bad press.

The media and the Democrats are having a meltdown over these Republican Senators doing exactly what Democrat Senators did in 2005 and in 2016 – calling them “seditious” and “treasonous.” And Lickspittle Mitt, terrified that he might get associated with those in the media’s crosshairs, immediately disavows those Senators’ actions – all to stay in the good graces of those who despise Republicans.

Nearly half the country believes Joe Biden “won” through voter fraud – and that includes nearly 30% of Democrat voters.

Clearly a large segment of the public has lost faith in our elections.

But Lickspittle Mitt doesn’t care. Lickspittle Mitt thinks it’s “nonsense.”


Because the Democrats in Congress and their handmaids in the media think it’s nonsense.

And like a good little toady, Mitt goes along hoping for a pat on the head and another appearance on Meet the Press.

See, this is Jesse Kelly’s point about Nancy Pelosi.

She doesn’t give the hairy ass of a rat what anybody thinks. 

And until Republicans stop caring about bad press and histrionic tweets, the Democrats will continue to run rings around them.

With a helpful assist from useless, obsequious suck-ups like Mitt Romney.