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Former White House Staffer: Biden's Unified Republicans, and He's Done It 'in One Day'

The new president’s promised unity, and to hear Reince Priebus tell it, he’s accomplishing it — among Republicans.

Speaking to Dana Perino on Fox News Friday, the former White House chief of staff tore into Unitin’ Biden — and attacked him at the same time.

Reince lit up America’s Newsroom with a curious take on the Oval Office’s new occupant.

As you surely know, Joe’s 78-year-old hand is likely cramped into a claw by now — he’s been busy lending his John Hancock to executive orders.
The Daily Wire observes, “[Biden’s] two executive orders signed Friday brought [his] total to 30, more than President Donald Trump signed in his first 100 days in office.”

Of course, many were aimed to counter the previous administration, including instruction to rejoin the Paris climate accord.

No word yet on how doing for half the country what opposes the other half accomplishes national solidarity, but for the GOP, Reince reasons, it’s a grandiosely galvanizing act.

Per The Daily Caller, Priebus’s postulation:

“So the R versus D dynamic is back, and it’s because he didn’t take his time doing the things he wanted to do.”

Reince recognized the Elephant Party’s mammoth loss of the presidency and the Senate, but, “The first day [Joe] goes after Keystone (XL pipeline), he goes after the Paris agreement, stop building the wall…”

The guest lent a lesson in strengthening one’s opponents:

”What makes it a lot easier…is that if you’re party chair, you’re trying to keep the Republican Party together, and it is a tough time now for the Republican Party.”

The former White House staffer believes Biden’s ostracized would-be mild-mannered participants in an upcoming attempted Trump trounce:

“Some of those Republicans that wanted to maybe take a position that was more nuanced in regard to President Trump — they’re not going to do it now.”

Call it wrong-headedness:

“What’s being miscalculated here is that Donald Trump is extremely popular in the Republican Party. And so that’s not going away. And by opening up this now so fast it’s going to blow up their plans both for disunity in the Republican Party and their own agenda.”

In a nutshell:

“What Biden did was make it instantly easier to draw the lines and have everyone get in their corners and make the Republican versus Democrat dynamic live on. And he did it in one day.”

Reince reckons the nation’s new Executive’s doing a dynamite job keeping “the Trump piece together in the party.”

I would guess, for the masses, the same applies.

After all, #Resist goes the other way, too.

Joe was saddled with winning over 70+ million voters.

If he really wants to be a president for all Americans, it may be a radically rocky start.