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Christianity Lite: All the pomp, but zero catechism

Move over Amy Coney Barrett, there’s a 
new media-approved Christian in town!

The New York Times is excitedly promoting Grandpa Joe as the most “religiously observant commander-in-chief in half a century.” But don’t worry. It isn’t that scary, icky Christianity. It’s Christianity Lite – or as the NY Times calls it: “a different, more liberal Christianity.”

Christianity Lite has all the pomp and ceremony without the inconvenience of actually having to live by the teachings of Jesus.

With Christianity Lite you don’t have to fill up on “good works and faith” that invariably leave you with that heavy feeling. Nope. All you need to do is call yourself “devout,” show up for church every now and then, and presto! You’re in the club!

Nobody can ever call you out for not living your life according to the doctrines of your faith. Because there is no doctrine.

Christianity Lite: All the pomp but zero catechism.

Your anti-Christian friends won’t look down on you because, except for attending church now and then, or quoting carefully-selected verses from the Book of Palms, you are just as anti-Christian as they are.

And since Christianity Lite isn’t saddled with all those pesky commandments, you have a hell of a lot more leeway than real Christians do.

The First Commandment doesn’t apply. So you are free to worship the kooky religion of Progressivism and put your faith in “science” while still showing up for church to give a half-hearted shout-out to the One True God.

You can advocate for the wholesale slaughter of the unborn because “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is optional.

You can advance public policy based on class envy because in Christianity Lite, “Thou Shalt Not Covet” has been replaced with “How Dare Thee Have More Stuff Than I?!”

Likewise, you can spend your Presidential campaign making scurrilous claims about your opponent – like, say, claiming he said Nazis and White Supremacists are very good people – because in Christianity Lite, “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness” is fluid and changeable. 

And while you might “remember the Sabbath day,” you don’t have to abide by the “six days you shall labor and do all your work” part. Instead, you can “remember the Sabbath Day and call a lid on the other six days.”

Now, Joe Biden’s Christianity Lite does still include the Commandment “Honor Thy Father and Mother.” Which is why Hunter had to give 10% of his ill-gotten-millions to Daddy.

Something tells me this effort to cast Joe Biden in the role of “the most religiously observant commander-in-chief in half a century” isn’t going to work out the way the New York Times thinks it will.

But they have to do it.

See, just as the Biden White House will make full use of “Joe’s son Beau served in the military” as a deflection for Joe’s misuse of the military, they will use “Joe is a devout Catholic” as a deflection for every anti-Christian policy Joe’s army of progressive social justice bureaucrats ram down our throat.

But when the only people praising how “religiously observant” Joe is are the ones who wear like a badge of honor their loathing for the religiously observant, I’m thinking actual Christians won’t be fooled.