Friday, July 31, 2020

Susan Rice a VP Candidate in Order to Prevent Durham Indictments Prior to Election?

Lee Smith has a provocative article up at Tablet Magazine on the prospects — and rationale — for Susan Rice to be named as the Vice-Presidential selection of Joe Biden.  Smith notes that while Rice’s name has been ostensibly part of the list of potential selections since Biden pledged to name  “woman of color” as his running mate, there has been a recent “boomlet” in favorable coverage of her in the Democrat establishment house organs the NYT, WaPo, and Politico just to name three.  So, what is driving this sudden emergence — other than the fact that every other “woman of color” having been given a “road test” has come up wanting?  How bad are things behind the scenes really when the face of the Obama Administration’s Benghazi lies becomes a leading candidate for Vice President?

Susan Rice has a rather modest historical involvement in politics.  She held positions on the National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, as well as in the State Department.  She rose to greater prominence in the Obama Administration, following the lead of her long-time mentor and close family friend Madeline Albright, Secretary of State during Clinton’s second term.  During the eight years of the Bush Administration, Rice decamped at the Brookings Institution.  She was a foreign policy advisor to the John Kerry Campaign, but in 2007 she was one of the first former Clinton Administration officials to back Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton.  During the Obama Administration she served as Ambassador to the UN during his first term, and then obtained the position she coveted all along, National Security Advisor, for his second term.

Most famously, she wrote the “CYA” memo as her last official act on the day of Pres. Trump’s inauguration, memorializing for the record that Obama had told Sally Yates and Jim Comey that he wanted the investigation into the Trump Campaign’s ties to Russia done “by the book.”

Attorney General William Barr has stated that DOJ will take no action prior to election day — in terms of indictments — which could have the potential for influencing the election.  At the same time he has noted that to his knowledge, no one running for election is the subject of any DOJ investigation.  That would seem to rule out Joe Biden — rightly or wrongly.  A good case could be made that Biden’s current mental state would likely render him unable to competently assist in his defense, and on that basis would not be competent to stand trial even if he were under investigation.  It’s certainly possible THAT is the reason upon which AG Barr has ruled him out as a subject of any potential prosecution, and not because he and others associated with him might have engaged in criminal wrongdoing.  AG Barr would be grinning like the Cheshire Cat if he was to offer that explanation for why Joe Biden is not seen as a target.   Not competent enough to stand trial, but more than competent enough to serve as Democrat Party candidate for President. 
Put that on a bumper sticker.

But is Susan Rice clear of the Durham investigation?  That’s hard to know.  We know from very early text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that they exchanged messages about “The White House wants to know everything we are doing.”  From an organizational perspective, the most likely receptacle for the flow of information on Crossfire Hurricane from the FBI to the White House would be to the Chief of Staff or the National Security Advisor.  It seems to me doubtful that this is just a passive one-way flow of information from the Bureau to the WH, with no commentary or “direction” going the other direction, especially on matters of counterintelligence.  The more natural source of that kind of “direction” would be from the NSA, not the Chief of Staff.

But as a career bureaucrat and creature of Washington think tanks, Rice has zero experience in elective politics and has never campaigned as a candidate.  She is pretty much a denizen of Washington DC, so there is no natural constituency that she brings with her from a particular state or region of the country.  It’s hard to see how she helps Biden on the electoral map — other than by being a “woman of color” which Biden was already committed to.

She has been a relentless critic of the Trump Administration and would play the role of campaign “attack dog” effectively.

But, as Smith notes, if Rice was to be joined with Obama and Biden as being “off-limits” of the Durham probe prior to the election, anything Durham does announce would be one step further away from Obama and Biden, giving them further lattitude to blame misconduct on underlings in the FBI and DOJ acting on their own agendas in the months leading up to the election.

If Rice is part of Durham’s case, even without Obama or Biden being named, that “she’et” is going to splash onto them regardless of what AG Barr promised.

At this point there appear to be no “grand slam” candidates among Biden’s choices.  Kamala Harris seemed to check all the boxes except for the fact that she failed to energize the Democrat base during her own primary campaign.  More significantly, however, she made a bad impression on former Senator Chris Dodd in her explanation for why she attacked Biden in a personal fashion during the campaign on busing and civil rights, essentially labeling him as a “racist”.  That attack also is reported to have left a lasting sting with Biden’s family.

So if Harris is off the board, there is a remaining collection of mostly “B” candidates or worse, none of whom bring any significant national “heft” to the ticket.

And that brings us back to the merits of picking Rice.  Yes, she doesn’t offer much by way of electoral politics, and its an unknown on how she will impact voters as a candidate herself.  But if there is a real fear in the Biden camp for what Durham might do, Rice is as close as they can come to an “inoculation” to keep him at bay.

Nunes Discusses Flynn Case and Durham Criminal Investigation

HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox Business with Jackie deAngelis to discuss the latest developments in the Michael Flynn case and the John Durham investigation.  WATCH:

Additionally (Hat Tip Techno-fog) who helps connect some dots left during recent comments by DOJ Spokesperson Kerri Kupek about “delays in proceedings” and what might be the most likely cause.  Good stuff, that makes buckets of sense.

I cannot (yet) go into details without seriously undermining my own efforts.  However, this previous GJ delay completely aligns with my own boots-on-the-ground information; and the previous statements by AG Bill Barr and DOJ Spox Kerri Kupec.

Keep smilin’…

And more importantly, keep living your best life…

I’m back on the road tomorrow… and things are good.

When we originally mapped this out, the mid-August timeline always appeared to be the inflection point. That’s why I made it my own target date to organize massive ‘Phase-2’ sunlight in the event Barr/Durham failed to deliver. Everything is proceeding swimmingly.


DC Circuit Agrees to Sullivan Request for En Banc Hearing

The full bench of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington DC has agreed to consider whether judge Sullivan should be forced to dismiss a felony charge against Michael Flynn.  The insanity continues.

Everything about this case has been bizarre including Judge Sullivan’s refusal to accept the unopposed motion to dismiss the case. Now the full DC Circuit panel will hear arguments about why Sullivan should be allowed to continue the case without DOJ prosecution.
It appears the court has pinned their en banc acceptance on the notion that Judge Sullivan had yet to issue a final ruling prior to the writ of mandamus (asking the appeals court to intervene).  The panel is asking the DOJ and Flynn defense to explain why “no other adequate means to attain the relief” is possible, if Sullivan has yet to rule.

Oral arguments are scheduled for August 11, 2020.

Dr. Deborah Birx Now Recommends Wearing Goggles or Face Shield Along With Mask

“You can decorate them”

Nuts. These people are NUTS! In addition to wearing masks, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, is now recommending the use of face shields. Apparently in the bizarre world of Dr. Birx the shields can be decorated with glitter and bling to make them fashionable and fun.

There’s not another country on the planet going this far over the edge into nuttery.  The virus narrative is scheduled to expire on November 4th.

In order to support the most important political objectives of the DNC writ large in the 2020 election, COVID-19 hype is essential:

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperate need to do in key battleground states.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby blocking Team Bernie Sanders from visible opposition while protecting candidate gibberish from himself.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests. COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth. All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme. With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series.
[Comrade Gretchen Whitmer knows this plan, hence she cancelled the Michigan venue]

All of these, and more, strategic outcomes are based on the manufactured weaponization of the COVID-19 virus to achieve a larger political objective. There is ZERO benefit to anyone other than Democrats for the overwhelming hype surrounding COVID-19.

It is not coincidental that all corporate media are all-in to facilitate the demanded fear that Democrats need in order to achieve their objectives. Thus there is an alignment of all big government institutions and multinationals to support the same.

Nothing is coincidental. Everything is political.

The New Secessionists

Since Governors Inslee and Brown seem to be channeling their inner George Wallace and throwing in with the New Secessionists, why not just let them make it official and leave the US?

I’ve been thinking about the insurrection going on in the Pacific Northwest.  I mean, how can I not think about it.  Their nightly violence and rioting is pretty much hard to miss by now. By my way of thinking, these anarchists really are the New Secessionists.

And while I understand the impulse to send in the Feds if the Oregon and Washington’s leaders won’t get these riots under control, I’m of a different mind.

These guys aren’t “protesters;” they’re the New Secessionists.  And I don’t know about you, but I’m really sick and tired of these narcissistic little anarchists.  Clearly they want to secede from the Union.  So why not let them?

At least the anarchists across the fruited plain will have a place to call home.

As it is, violent anarchists are already migrating to Seattle and Portland in order to scream at police and set fire to things.  So why not make it a one-way trip?

And since Governors Inslee and Brown seem to be channeling their inner George Wallace and throwing in with the New Secessionists, why not just let them make it official and leave the US?

Let them can create their own ANTIFA States of the Pacific Northwest.

Or better yet, go ahead and prove Kurt Schlichter right and call yourselves the People’s Republic.

There comes a point when our differences are irreconcilable.  And I think we’re there, don’t you?

Actually, by my way of thinking, we’ve been heading in the direction of a national divorce for years now.

Do we really share any common beliefs or principles with the New Secessionists?

Is there a single thing we agree on?

I don’t want to live in a country where mobs swarm the streets, set fire to buildings, loot stores and attack people while demanding we give up our Liberty, property, economic system and sovereignty.

And the New Secessionists certainly don’t want to live in a civil society.

So why are we even trying anymore?

Rather than fight to keep this fractured Union together, shouldn’t we tell the New Secessionists to pack up their bike helmets, goggles, Molotov cocktails, explosive devices, lasers, make-shift shields, and Che T-shirts, and hit the bricks?

Get out and burn your own country down to the ground.

Aliens Report No Intelligent Life On Earth After Landing In Portland

PORTLAND, OR—The Pentagon's U.F.O. unit has been in the spotlight recently, and now the department is confirming that alien life has attempted to make contact with human civilization.

Unfortunately, the aliens landed in Portland, and after a brief period of observation, returned to their home planet to tell their overlords that there is no intelligent life on earth.

"There were primitive creatures of the species Doofus Antifus, but they were only able to communicate with screams at the sky," said Zlorboxxon Tttchul'azz'robobo after hailing his commander on the planet Graxon V. "They threw things, which seemed to indicate anger, but beyond that, we could not communicate with them in any meaningful fashion."

According to the alien, the locals saw the craft and screamed something about "White Soo Prem Acey" before trying to bash the aliens' brains in.

"This 'White Soo Prem Acey' seems to be a mythical demon they associated us with," Tttchul'azz'robobo reported. "They spray painted our craft and threw a brick at us." He indicated that the brick of course could not hurt their advanced craft, "but it still hurt my heart."

The aliens also reported that people on earth still watch soccer and believe the government can be a force for good. "So they're clearly still very primitive."

The people of Graxon V have been warned to keep at least 6,000 light-years away from Earth until humanity matures sometime in the next 10,000 years.

Rioters Are Seditionists, Not Protesters

One-on-one with Donald Trump - Elections - WORLD

Article by Cal Thomas in "mrcNewsBusters"

The violence perpetrated in the streets of cities across America continues because state and local elected officials (all Democrats) refuse to do what is necessary to stop it. These acts no longer fit the definition of protest. Rather, sedition defines them: “Incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.”

President Trump has ordered agents from the Department of Homeland Security to quell the disturbances in Portland, Oregon, and Chicago, which appear to be coordinated, and stop them from spreading to other cities. On Wednesday, the White House announced the deployment of what it terms “federal assets,” which William Barr defined as “street agents and investigators,” to targeted cities experiencing the most violence.

Some contend the president is exceeding his constitutional authority and what's known as the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which “prohibits the use of U.S. military forces to perform the tasks of civilian law enforcement such as arrest, apprehension, interrogation, and detention unless explicitly authorized by Congress.”

It may be splitting hairs to say DHS forces are not the military, but the larger question is this: Should the president allow federal property to be destroyed and people shot, given the refusal of some mayors and governors to intervene? Or, for the sake of preserving “domestic tranquility,” saving human life, and protecting public and private property take the action he has taken?

Perhaps the media should ask people whose jobs have been disrupted, their businesses destroyed, their work suspended -- or ended -- if they are OK with allowing the rioting to continue. Pundits and activists can pontificate all they want from the safety of their basements and the security of uninterrupted paychecks, but what about the victims? Have they no right to be safe and secure?

A federal law known as 18 U.S. Code 2385 and titled "Advocating overthrow of Government" says this: “Whoever knowingly or willingly advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any state, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein ... and if two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.” (Emphasis mine.)

That sounds clear to me, and it should be clear to everyone else, that there are forces that wish to destroy not only the presidency of Donald Trump and prevent his re-election, but who hate the country. These protesters, who appear to be mostly spoiled, mostly white, and mostly young, have likely been radicalized in their universities and on social media. They are destroyers, not builders. Elected leaders who refuse to stop them are as guilty of abetting a crime as the driver of the getaway car after a bank robbery.

The president is right to put a stop to this just as he would be right to order the military to oppose an outside enemy seeking to destroy the nation. If these anarchists are allowed to get away with their crimes, there will be more anarchy. Peace through strength is not just a slogan to be invoked when fighting foreign enemies and terrorists. It is also a policy that will deter this spoiled mob that has no gratitude for a nation that has given them everything and to which they have returned little.

They should be arrested, prosecuted and locked up so that order may be restored.

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California amphibious vehicle accident: US marine dead, eight missing

One US marine has died and eight others are missing after an amphibious assault vehicle (AAV) accident off the coast of southern California.


Two personnel were also injured in the accident on Thursday, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force tweeted.
A search is under way for the missing service members, with Navy and Coast Guard help.
All the personnel are assigned to the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, based at Camp Pendleton, near San Diego.
Col Christopher Bronzi, commanding officer of the 15th MEU, said in the tweet: "We are deeply saddened by this tragic incident. I ask that you keep our Marines, Sailors, and their families in your prayers as we continue our search."
The 15th MEU has about 2,200 personnel and conducts rapid-response, conventional amphibious and other maritime operations.
The typical US Marine Corps AAV is the AAV-P7/A1, functioning as a troop carrier, transporting personnel from water to land. It is often referred to as an Amtrack.

Hong Kong postpones elections for a year 'over virus concerns'

The Hong Kong government has postponed September's parliamentary elections by a year, saying it is necessary amid a rise in coronavirus infections.


Hong Kong is currently experiencing a spike in Covid-19 infections, and reported 121 new cases on Friday.
However, the opposition has accused the government of using the pandemic as a pretext to stop people from voting.
On Thursday, the government banned 12 pro-democracy candidates from running in the elections.
Opposition activists had hoped to obtain a majority in the Legislative Council (LegCo) in September's poll, capitalising on anger at Beijing's imposition of a controversial national security law in Hong Kong, and fears that the territory's freedoms are being eroded.

Pro-democracy candidates had made unprecedented gains in last year's district council elections, winning 17 out of 18 councils.
Chief Executive Carrie Lam said she would invoke emergency powers to postpone the elections, calling it the "most difficult decision I've made over the past seven months".
"This postponement is entirely made based on public safety reasons, there were no political considerations," she said.

How bad is the pandemic in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong has had more than 100 daily new cases, for 10 days in a row.
The overall numbers are still lower than those of many other places - but the spike comes after Hong Kong appeared to have contained the outbreak, with weeks of few or no local infections.
Now, it's experiencing what's been described as a "third wave" of infections, and on Wednesday, Ms Lam said the city was on the verge of a "large-scale outbreak", which could cause hospitals to "collapse".
Health experts have told the BBC that, with the reintroduction of social distancing measures, the rate of infection appears to have slowed, and they hope Hong Kong will be back to close to zero local infections within four to six weeks.

Irony thy name is Joy Reid

Joy Reid is about as joyful as ANTIFA is anti-fascist.

During Tuesday’s sham House Judiciary Hearing with AG Barr, Joy Reid got all huffy because Bill Barr was attacking ANTIFA.  And in what can only be described as a striking lack of self-awareness, Joy tweeted this:

Stop and think about that.

If they call themselves ANTIFA, they must, MUST be as their name describes: “anti-fascist.”

Joy Reid believes that names always accurately describe an entity.

Now, most of the folks who replied to this silly tweet were pointing out things like North Korea calling itself the Democratic People’s Republic.

And, sure.  That’s a good example.

As is the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics or the National Socialist Worker’s Party or Dollar General.

But isn’t Joy Reid herself living proof that names can be misleading?

Here is a woman who is perpetually angry, bitter, miserable and resentful.  And her name is Joy for crap’s sake.

A few years ago I posited that perhaps her parents should have named her Malice. At least then she would have lived up to her name.

Joy Reid is about as joyful as ANTIFA is anti-fascist.

Neither ANTIFA nor Joy Reid live up to their given names. In fact, both have become the very opposite of what their names would suggest.

But I have to say, as far as oblivious irony goes, Joy’s tweet takes the cake.

Trump Suggests Replacing Unfair Elections With New System Where Eligible Male Heir Inherits The Presidency

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Trump has called the upcoming election unfair and rigged, saying the increase in mail-in votes would jeopardize the legitimacy of the results. Instead, Trump has proposed that we replace the system with a new one where an eligible male heir simply inherits the presidency once the old ruler dies.

The innovative new system will simply grant the presidency to the next male in a kind of "line of succession." Congress will not be needed, of course, since the ruler will graciously take upon himself the heavy burden of making all decisions for the country.

"We could have a big seat that the ruler sits in," Trump said at a press conference Thursday morning. "A huge seat, really big. Nice and plush. And a kind of round, golden hat. And you know what else would be neat? A little golden stick or rod. You could wave it around when you order people to do things. And if they won't do them you just bop them on the head with it. Or shout at someone to cut their head off."

"Oh man, and a cape. A cape would be tremendous."

Among the many benefits of the new system touted by Trump are more efficient decision-making, no more bickering from Congress, and fun titles to put behind the ruler's name. He says he thinks he'll select "His Majesty Donald Trump, First of His Name, Defeater of the Libs, Slayer of Hillary, Sovereign of All America" as his title, should we go ahead with this "great new idea."

Under the new system, Mike Pence would be made to put on a funny costume, juggle, and tell jokes to please the supreme leader, Trump also confirmed at publishing time.

Leftist Rioters, Like their Marxist Muses, Are Literal Revolutionaries

Leftist Rioters, Like their Marxist Muses, Are Literal Revolutionaries

 Article by David Limbaugh in "Townhall"

How do we make sense of the nonstop craziness going on in our society? Is there a common denominator, or is it all happening randomly?

Well, it's unlikely that multiple sectors of society just happen to be imploding at the same time without some causal forces behind them. And you don't have to be a garden-variety conspiracy theorist to realize that some kind of intelligent design is at work here.

I personally think we're in the throes of spiritual warfare. But instead of expanding on that, I'll just address the human agency that might be facilitating this chaos, because human beings are advancing it regardless of whether unseen forces are ultimately behind it.

I know of no one who disputes that George Floyd's murder was outrageous and inexcusable. I know of no one who disputed it after seeing the horrible video of the event. President Donald Trump himself condemned it within hours.

I also know of no one who objects to peaceful protests about this horrid incident and others like it. All fair-minded people abhor such misconduct toward anyone. But it is not fair to condemn all cops for the actions of a statistically small minority. And it is lunacy to dismantle law and order because of them.

I would hope, however, that we would have the more widespread condemnation of the rioters, looters, and anarchists who, have leveraged racial tension to justify violence in American cities. There is no justification for these violent riots and the explosion of murders and other violence beyond the protest venues.

The rioters, by their own admission, are implacable. They have no demands that can be met, short of overthrowing our entire societal framework and constitutional system. They're not rioting over slavery, which was ended years ago. They're not demanding equal opportunity under the law or the advancement of civil rights laws, which were enacted decades ago.

They don't seek dialogue. How can you reason with young white leftists who abuse and assault cops, and call African American cops racist? How do you reason with spoiled, self-indulgent, and sanctimonious malcontents? Think about it: While rioting over alleged white privilege and white racism against blacks, they lecture, malign, and bully blacks. It is tragically surreal.

How can you satisfy those who claim that people are guilty of racism by virtue of their race, irrespective of any individual acts of racism? Those accused are given no chance to make their case; there is nothing they can do to acquit themselves because they are convicted as a matter of who they are, not what they've done.

It's no surprise that these rioters are either outright Marxists or those Vladimir Lenin called "useful idiots" -- those who unwittingly advance the cause of Marxism. They think and act like Marxists.

Marx divided people into different groups and condemned one group and everyone in it for oppressing another group and everyone in it. Just like Marx, today's rioters define the terms so as to condemn the accused class irredeemably. For Marx, it was systemic class oppression; for today's rioters and their puppet masters, it's systemic racism and economic disparities. Marx's view of the historical class struggle permitted no dissent, just as today's rioters brook no dissent from their dogmatic view of systemic racism. Like today's rioters, Marx's solution was the wholesale upheaval of the existing economic and societal system.

Today's leftists, predictably, share Marx's totalitarian mindset. We see it in their revolutionary unrest, their political advocacy, and the values they disseminate in the culture, academia, and Hollywood. It's their way or the highway. Their views are absolutely mandated. Dissenters are shunned and canceled, and their freedoms denied. And these leftists don't even recognize their own incoherence.

Leftist rioters are not the only ones who think this way. A leftist oligarchy suppresses conservative speech throughout its social media platforms. What is worse than their censorship is what it reveals about their mindset. They see nothing wrong with what they're doing. They believe that those who disagree with them are so vile they are not entitled to freedom of speech, and that their views are so objectionable they must be censored -- in the name of tolerance and free speech, no less. Leftists always insist they are censoring not opinion but falsehoods, as part of their alarming propensity to reframe opposing opinions as objectively false. The First Amendment was written to prevent the very despotism these Orwellian menaces employ.

For such leftists, the end justifies the means. When we read "1984" in high school, we never imagined this type of thing would happen in America. When it happened in Nazi Germany (among tons of other terrible things), the Soviet Union, communist China, and other places, we used to sigh in relief, grateful for how different we were.

But we aren't that different anymore. Leftists here regularly justify their totalitarian views and increasingly heinous acts by vilifying groups and classes of people. While implementing their revolutionary horror, they engage in the exact kind of behavior for which they condemn the classes they demonize.

It's obvious that the rioters don't seek racial justice or harmony. They aim to overturn the American system -- just listen to them. We must get about the business of healing, but we'll make no progress as long as those whose goal is unrest, upheaval, and disharmony are in the driver's seat.

Pray for discernment, that Americans will awaken to the disruptive motives of those burning our cities. And pray for reconciliation, peace, and healing.

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The Biden Rule: 'No Men Need Apply!'

The Biden Rule: 'No Men Need Apply!'

Article by Pat Buchanan in "Townhall"

There is a real possibility that this coming week, Joe Biden will be selecting the 47th president of the United States.

For the woman Biden picks -- he has promised to exclude from consideration all men, black, brown, white or Asian -- has a better chance of succeeding to the presidency than any vice presidential nominee in U.S. history, other than perhaps Harry Truman.

In 1944, the Democratic establishment engineered the dumping of radical Henry Wallace from Roosevelt's ticket. They could see from FDR's physical deterioration that he would not last through a full fourth term.

There are other reasons the woman Biden chooses in August may become our 47th president.

If Biden wins, he will be 78 when he takes the oath, older than our eldest president, Ronald Reagan, was when he left office after two terms. Biden would turn 80 even before he reached the midpoint of his first term.

Moreover, Biden has suffered a transparent deterioration of his mental capacities that was nowhere evident when he debated Mitt Romney's running mate Paul Ryan in 2012.

What are the odds that Biden would serve a full term?

Of our 45 presidents, nine failed to complete the term to which they had been elected. One resigned; four died in office, and four were assassinated. All nine were succeeded by their vice president.

John Tyler became president in 1841 when William Henry Harrison died a month into office of pneumonia, following an inaugural address of nearly two hours in the cold without an overcoat.

Tyler would affect the annexation of the Republic of Texas in his final days in 1845, fail to win his party's nomination to a full term, back the secession of Virginia in 1861, and end his days as a member of the Confederate Congress sitting in Richmond in 1862.

Mexican War hero and President Zachary Taylor died in his second year in 1850, to be succeeded by Millard Fillmore, who would go on to become the 1856 nominee of the anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant American Party known to history as the "Know Nothings."

Andrew Johnson became president after the assassination of Lincoln at Ford's Theater a month after Lincoln's second inaugural.

Johnson would be impeached in 1868 by radical Republicans who wanted a more severe Reconstruction of a defeated and occupied South.

Chester Arthur succeeded James Garfield in 1881 after President Garfield suffered a mortal wound from an assassin's bullet at a D.C. train station, only months into his first year in office.

Teddy Roosevelt became our youngest president in 1901 when he succeeded the assassinated William McKinley. In our own time, Lyndon Johnson succeeded John F. Kennedy after Dallas in November 1963.

In addition to Tyler, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Arthur, TR and LBJ, three vice presidents succeeded to the presidency in the 20th century on the death or departure of the men who selected them: Calvin Coolidge on the death of Warren Harding in 1923, Harry Truman on the death of FDR in April 1945, and Gerald Ford on the resignation of Richard Nixon.

Thus, of our four dozen vice presidents, all of whom have been white men, nine have risen to the nation's highest office to fill out a term of the president who selected him.

Yet, with the pandemic crisis, the economic crisis, and the racial crisis gripping the nation, what are the unique conditions Biden has set down for the person he would put a heartbeat away from the presidency?

Biden began his selection process by eliminating and discriminating against whole categories of people.

First, no white men need apply. Second, no man of any race, color, or creed will be considered. Gender rules them out, though every vice president for 230 years has been a man.

Nevertheless, says Biden, this one has to be a woman.

"No men need apply!" automatically eliminated 17 of the 24 Democratic governors who are men, including Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California, and it eliminated 30 of the 47 Democratic members of the Senate who are men.

In the aftermath of the George Floyd killing and protests, pressure has grown on Biden not only to choose a woman but a woman of color, and preferably a Black woman. If that were a criterion, it would eliminate all but a tiny few of the party's senators and governors.

What national interest impelled Biden to so restrict the pool of talent from which a possible presidential successor would be chosen?

Joe Biden would be the oldest man ever to serve as president. He would enter office with visibly diminished mental capacities. And he has decided to restrict his choice as to who should inherit our highest office by ruling out the vast majority of the ablest and experienced leaders of his own Democratic Party.

Is this any way to select someone who could, in a heartbeat, take control of the destiny of the world's most powerful nation?

Whatever happened to Jimmy Carter's "Why Not the Best?"

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The U.S. Is Facing Insurgencies (Not Civil War) – And They Are Threatening Faith in Elections

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Article by Clint Fargeau in "RedState"

Here’s a question Americans should be considering carefully: at what point can a president repudiate the results of an election?

Or getting down to cases, how much skullduggery do Democrats and their proxies have to pull before President Trump can rightfully announce: “This wasn’t an authentic election, and I am duty-bound to reject it and call for another”?

This is not idle speculation but a very real and pressing concern. This morning, President Trump tweeted:

With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???

As innocuous as the president’s tweet may seem at first glance, this is a stunning pronouncement. President Trump appears to be prepping for one of two scenarios: (1) the president is laying the groundwork for postponing the election; or far more likely (2) he is laying the groundwork for rejecting the November election results because of widespread fraud and voter intimidation.

It’s not hard to guess the president’s meaning when he says “securely and safely vote.” Using the pretext of the China virus, Democrats are pushing for universal mail-in voting (as distinct from the rigorous absentee-ballot procedure), a scheme that begs for widespread voter fraud.

Less discussed but even more troubling is the rioting and mob intimidation that have grown into daily or weekly events in metropolises across the country.

There is no reason to think Democrats and their proxy fighters such as BLM and Antifa won’t arrange to have “protests” in full swing come election day-organized gatherings with armed, masked, black-clad goons distributed around polls in places like Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York City, Minneapolis, Chicago, and Atlanta.

Will the police in these metropolises disperse the mobs so citizens feel safe to vote?

Of course not. Liberal mayors will mumble about “peaceful protests” and “a historic moment,” then let the goon squads do whatever they want–including manipulate access to voting locations. Remember when BLM/Antifa set up armed checkpoints at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle? What’s to keep similar tactics from unfolding on election day around polls?

City neighborhoods known to be conservative leaning–for example Burbank and Pasadena in the greater Los Angeles area–could wake up to find protesters choking their streets and threatening anyone who matches a conservative profile:

“Only marginalized people get to vote this year, and you don’t look marginalized to us; so you’d better turn around and go home if you know what’s good for you.”

Rioters have shown no hesitation torching police stations and sacking federal courthouses. There’s no reason to think they will treat polling locations with any more sanctity. Should exit polls point to specific areas swinging toward President Trump on election day, goon squads could easily seize voting locations and burn ballots in the street, just as they have burned American flags and police cruisers–all under the aegis of “peaceful protest.”

If these scenarios seem far fetched, I would encourage you to go back through the last four years and count the number of events that seemed far fetched and unprecedented prior to their actually unfolding.

These days, the strategy of the Democrats is not “civil war”–the term preferred by so many conservative commentators–but insurgency.

Democrat leaders know better than to threaten direct, state-enforced voter suppression and open rebellion at the municipal or state level.

Rather, they are taking a permissive, hands-off attitude to loosely affiliated proxy fighters, who do the intimidation and insurrection for them outside of any official sanction.

An insurgent approach grants liberal mayors and governors deniability and prevents direct federal retaliation against them.

If/when the goon squads burn inconvenient ballots or block voters from the polls, liberal politicians will announce that the outrages were perpetrated by a few trouble makers (who were really far-right agitators, doncha know) and move blithely forward to certify victories for Basement Joe Biden and Democrats on down the ticket.

That is, unless some of the results still go against Democrats, in which case the interference by their own proxies will be used as an excuse for a do-over.

“Constitutional crisis” doesn’t even begin to describe what unfolds thereafter. We could see the president, joined by Republican governors and congresspersons, repudiating the election on one side; and Democrat governors and congresspersons demanding acceptance of the dubious results on the other side, lamenting that the country might otherwise fall into instability and paralysis.

In such an emergency, the whole tangle of disputes would probably get tossed to federal courts for adjudication. What happens there is anyone’s guess. (If you have wondered why President Trump made such a priority of confirming conservative justices to the federal bench over the last four years, consider that the president saw this scenario building ages ago and prepared for it.)

A sullied and compromised election seems almost certain–think of the 2000 Bush-Gore Florida recount debacle, but played out in a dozen states at once, with the addition of coercive and destructive mobs ratcheting up the pressure.

It seems like an excellent time to take Kurt Schlichter’s oft-repeated advice: get expert training in the use of a firearm and buy one, in that order. Maybe everything will unfold in an orderly and peaceful manner; but if it doesn’t, ordinary people are going to have no other fallback when the party starts.

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