Friday, July 31, 2020

The New Secessionists

Since Governors Inslee and Brown seem to be channeling their inner George Wallace and throwing in with the New Secessionists, why not just let them make it official and leave the US?

I’ve been thinking about the insurrection going on in the Pacific Northwest.  I mean, how can I not think about it.  Their nightly violence and rioting is pretty much hard to miss by now. By my way of thinking, these anarchists really are the New Secessionists.

And while I understand the impulse to send in the Feds if the Oregon and Washington’s leaders won’t get these riots under control, I’m of a different mind.

These guys aren’t “protesters;” they’re the New Secessionists.  And I don’t know about you, but I’m really sick and tired of these narcissistic little anarchists.  Clearly they want to secede from the Union.  So why not let them?

At least the anarchists across the fruited plain will have a place to call home.

As it is, violent anarchists are already migrating to Seattle and Portland in order to scream at police and set fire to things.  So why not make it a one-way trip?

And since Governors Inslee and Brown seem to be channeling their inner George Wallace and throwing in with the New Secessionists, why not just let them make it official and leave the US?

Let them can create their own ANTIFA States of the Pacific Northwest.

Or better yet, go ahead and prove Kurt Schlichter right and call yourselves the People’s Republic.

There comes a point when our differences are irreconcilable.  And I think we’re there, don’t you?

Actually, by my way of thinking, we’ve been heading in the direction of a national divorce for years now.

Do we really share any common beliefs or principles with the New Secessionists?

Is there a single thing we agree on?

I don’t want to live in a country where mobs swarm the streets, set fire to buildings, loot stores and attack people while demanding we give up our Liberty, property, economic system and sovereignty.

And the New Secessionists certainly don’t want to live in a civil society.

So why are we even trying anymore?

Rather than fight to keep this fractured Union together, shouldn’t we tell the New Secessionists to pack up their bike helmets, goggles, Molotov cocktails, explosive devices, lasers, make-shift shields, and Che T-shirts, and hit the bricks?

Get out and burn your own country down to the ground.