Friday, July 31, 2020

Irony thy name is Joy Reid

Joy Reid is about as joyful as ANTIFA is anti-fascist.

During Tuesday’s sham House Judiciary Hearing with AG Barr, Joy Reid got all huffy because Bill Barr was attacking ANTIFA.  And in what can only be described as a striking lack of self-awareness, Joy tweeted this:

Stop and think about that.

If they call themselves ANTIFA, they must, MUST be as their name describes: “anti-fascist.”

Joy Reid believes that names always accurately describe an entity.

Now, most of the folks who replied to this silly tweet were pointing out things like North Korea calling itself the Democratic People’s Republic.

And, sure.  That’s a good example.

As is the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics or the National Socialist Worker’s Party or Dollar General.

But isn’t Joy Reid herself living proof that names can be misleading?

Here is a woman who is perpetually angry, bitter, miserable and resentful.  And her name is Joy for crap’s sake.

A few years ago I posited that perhaps her parents should have named her Malice. At least then she would have lived up to her name.

Joy Reid is about as joyful as ANTIFA is anti-fascist.

Neither ANTIFA nor Joy Reid live up to their given names. In fact, both have become the very opposite of what their names would suggest.

But I have to say, as far as oblivious irony goes, Joy’s tweet takes the cake.