Friday, July 31, 2020

DC Circuit Agrees to Sullivan Request for En Banc Hearing

The full bench of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington DC has agreed to consider whether judge Sullivan should be forced to dismiss a felony charge against Michael Flynn.  The insanity continues.

Everything about this case has been bizarre including Judge Sullivan’s refusal to accept the unopposed motion to dismiss the case. Now the full DC Circuit panel will hear arguments about why Sullivan should be allowed to continue the case without DOJ prosecution.
It appears the court has pinned their en banc acceptance on the notion that Judge Sullivan had yet to issue a final ruling prior to the writ of mandamus (asking the appeals court to intervene).  The panel is asking the DOJ and Flynn defense to explain why “no other adequate means to attain the relief” is possible, if Sullivan has yet to rule.

Oral arguments are scheduled for August 11, 2020.