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President Trump Persevered

Trump’s policies and results over the past four years 
have been truly great.

Eleven days before Christmas, on December 14, the Electoral College is set to meet to determine whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump has the requisite 270 electoral votes to be declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election. Against steep odds, I pray, along with some 74 million others, that a constitutional path still exists for Trump’s victory.  Regardless of the outcome, however, the accomplishments that have been achieved during Trump’s first term are noteworthy and worthy of reflection. 

Even though the Left and the Washington swamp never gave him a fair shake, fabricated stories against him, and sought to use the U.S. intelligence apparatus to entrap him, President Trump persevered.

While the biased media will never acknowledge it, Trump’s decisive action to address the threat of the coronavirus saved many lives. Five weeks before the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, Trump had already imposed the travel restriction on China to slow the spread and buy critical time for researchers to learn more about this novel virus. The Obama-Biden Administration had left the strategic reserve of medical equipment bare, but Trump used his authority and connections with companies such as MyPillow and GE to have them retool factory machines to manufacture masks and ventilators. 

On average, it takes a decade to manufacture a vaccine for a virus. Trump’s “Warp Speed” initiative unleashed the power of American ingenuity and a vaccine was approved and ready for initial public distribution in about 10 months. It was not socialized medicine in France or Norway that produced the vaccine, but the systems of the United States. 

We can already guess what slanders the liberal academics will write about Trump in the history books, but three things for which he should be praised, in addition to decimating ISIS, historic Middle East peace deals, and spurring tremendous economic growth, are: confronting Communist China, standing for the sanctity of life, and being unapologetically pro-American.

For years, China flouted international norms and exploited others. Americans at U.S. companies would work hard researching, investing in, and developing new technologies, only to have their intellectual property stolen by China. Communist China manipulated free markets by dumping critical commodities, thus devastating American manufacturing. 

President Trump acted boldly and confronted this regional bully. He caught the Chinese in the act and prosecuted their state-owned telecom companies, such as ZTE, for their nefarious dealings. Trump sanctioned those in China tied to human rights violations against the Uyghur minority and Hong Kong autonomy. Trump also imposed tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum enabling American manufacturing to make a resurgence. Trump’s trade war moved to restore America’s supply chain resilience, a point that proved even more critical following China’s coronavirus dishonesty.

As with the stain of slavery in our past, our country’s acceptance of infanticide during the last half-century deserves critical assessment. 

Millions of babies have been aborted and taxpayer money goes to support these killings, chiefly through funding routed to Planned Parenthood. Many had no moral outrage when Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia supported a bill that would repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions. President Trump, however, took a stand for the sanctity of life. He was the first president to attend and speak at the March for Life. Trump declared, 

All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life. When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation. When we hold a newborn in our arms, we know the endless love that each child brings to a family. When we watch a child grow, we see the splendor that radiates from each human soul. One life changes the world.

President Trump has appointed three Supreme Court justices who recognize this truth and its consistency with America’s founding principles.

President Trump realizes that being American is something special. He respected those who served our country in the military by reforming Veteran Affairs following the debacle of the Obama-Biden Administration. Trump stood with law enforcement when others called for defunding police. 

When Black Lives Matter protesters tore down historic monuments and sports stars disrespected the national anthem and flag, Trump touted our exceptionalism, perhaps best exemplified by him bringing back American-launched spaceflight. When others wanted to create lawless sanctuary cities and leave our borders unsecured to cartels, terrorists, and those who disregard the lawful immigration process, President Trump enforced federal law, and built more than 300 miles of border wall to better secure our country.

So even if his Twitter feed might be a bit garish, his policies and results during the last four years were truly great and American.