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“Let’s Roll America” – Ground Report From New Mexico En Route to Washington DC, Jan 6th

Our good friend John Spiropoulos continues his travels today on a coast-to-coast multi-state tour while en route to Washington DC for the January 6th MAGA rally. CTH will be sharing videos of John’s travels along the way.

Today John’s “Let’s Roll America” report is filed from New Mexico where he ran into long distance hauler Kray Langston.  Mr. Langston represents the pride of our American grit that keeps our nation running.  Kray has a message for President Trump:

Keep Fightin‘!!

You can support John at his GoFundMe-Here, as he travels through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee and Virginia.  Also any CTH member who would like the opportunity to meet up with John for his video segments can contact him via his email address: Spirovideo@aol.com 

Additionally, for those traveling to Washington DC for the rally on January 6th, here’s some insider advice and helpful tips from a person who lives in the area – SEE HERE –