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Expecting Chicago Teachers do their job is sexism, racism and misogyny

Nothing has hurt public education more than Teachers Unions.

In a now-deleted tweet, the Chicago Teachers Union claimed yesterday that “the push to reopen schools is sexism, racism and misogyny.”

How dare you expect us to do our jobs, you sexist, racist, misogynists!

Apparently Chicago Teachers don’t see themselves as essential. Though to be fair when it comes to actually educating children, they aren’t particularly essential.

Being present in a classroom in Chicago schools is no guarantee that children will learn anything because at the end of the day “education” is not a priority for the Chicago Teachers Union – or any teachers union come to think of it.

You might recall that the Teachers Union for the LA Unified School District issued a myriad of demands before agreeing to return to in-school learning including defunding the police, Medicare for All, a $500B federal bailout, and an end to Charter Schools.

You’d be hard-pressed to figure out how those demands would make in-person education “safer” from COVID.

Fact is, the students most harmed by idiotic “remote learning” are minorities. Their schools were already garbage. And remote learning has only made matters worse.

Nothing has hurt public education more than Teachers Unions. Unions have one priority – their members. So whether it’s the Chicago Teachers Union or the LA Unified Teachers Union, their demands will always be what benefits their members and not the children they are supposed to teach.

The bottom line here is the Chicago Teachers don’t want to go back to work — so screw the kids.

But this is hardly surprising coming from these guys. Back in 2019, the Chicago Teachers Union went on strike demanding an average salary of $100,000 a year. I’m sure being expected to live on a paltry average salary of $78,211 a year was racist, sexist and misogynistic too.

There is no medical reason to keep schools closed, so these idiots pull the Racist/Sexist/Misogynist Card. Is anyone surprised? In America in 2020, everything you don’t like is racist, sexist and misogynistic.

Brace yourselves for more of this kind of garbage in a “Biden Administration.”

Joe Biden has already signaled that his Secretary of Education would be a union hack. So it won’t just be the Chicago Teachers Union that shows this level of stupidity and self-interest. The entire Department of Education will become Command Central for the stupidity and self-interests of teachers unions.

Public schools were never about providing secure employment for overpaid, underqualified teachers. The purpose was to provide every child in America with an education.

The instant teachers were permitted to unionize, “education” took a back seat. And when Teachers Unions realized they could buy politicians to increase their own power and pay, every child in America got screwed.

And nothing has screwed American school children more than the Teachers Unions’ exploitation of COVID.

A Biden/Harris Administration will make public education far more costly and a thousand times worse. And because they’ve already signaled their opposition to school choice, your children will be stuck in classrooms with idiots like the Chicago Teachers Union.

But I’m sure my saying that is sexist, racist and misogynist too.