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The Muzzle of Oppression

The Muzzle of Oppression

By: Robert Zimmerman, Dec. 1, 2020

Previously I had labeled the masks that our control-freak society is demanding everyone wear, wherever they go and whatever they do, as a mask of ignorance. While the evidence is still uncertain on whether high quality masks, used properly, can stop the spread of COVID-19, the improper use of masks guarantees that they will contribute to the virus’s spread.

Take a look at the WHO graph to the right. Do you use the mask as they advise? I guarantee you do not. Masks are routinely handled all the time, are reused, are not kept antiseptic, and are not made of the right materials. Rather than blocking the virus, people are instead wearing a pathogen gatherer on their face, exactly where they breath.

No wonder the number of cases have been skyrocketing worldwide. I would not be surprised at all if the widespread improper use of unsanitary masks since the early summer has contributed to that rise.

I however no longer see masks as simply a symbol of ignorance. I now see masks as a symbol of oppression, and the willingness of Americans to submit to that oppression, without a whimper. In fact, the mask will prevent anyone from really hearing that whimper. It tells everyone you are willing to be silenced and subjugated, like a dog..

Consider: Half the country voted for Trump. Moreover, if you talk to those Trump voters (which I do), you find that most think masks are stupid, useless, and a waste of time.

One would thus think that these same people would try hard to avoid wearing masks, whenever possible. Here in Tucson for example the local ordinances mandating masks are very clear. You do not have to wear one if 1) you can maintain six feet distance from everyone, whether indoors or out, or 2) you have any medical reasons to refuse, reasons that you are not required to document.

Under these rules, most people can avoid masks in about 90% of all circumstances. I refuse to wear one, and have found I can enter almost any business that demands masks, and go about my business without anyone questioning me. The one time I was questioned, I simply said I had medical reasons, and the store clerk immediately said, “Fine, thank you,” and left me alone.

Yet, everywhere I go almost everyone is masked. Even more ridiculous, I have seen Trump supporters get out of their car, put their mask on to enter a restaurant, walk to their table and take it off for the rest of the meal. They then put it back on when they got up for that short walk back to their car.

This is not only irrational, it is downright stupid. That mask they put on is often coming from their pocket, and is not antiseptic. The odds it is a carrier of the virus is not trivial. Putting on your face, even for a few minutes, is counter to everything the mask control-freaks claim.

So why do they do it? They do it because they want to avoid trouble. They don’t want to risk an argue about the mask, with anyone. And they also tell me they fear the possibility of being verbally accosted by a control freak, and want to avoid that above all.

Worse, no one believes me when I tell them that none of that happens. No matter how many times I tell them that no one will question them about their lack of a mask, they still put the mask on, in fear.

For conservative Trump voters who claim to be lovers of freedom to bow so easily to fear and bullying bodes badly for the future of our free society. Seeing everyone wearing muzzles enforces the belief that peer pressure rules, and that you must obey the orders from on high. It makes it easier for the power-hungry to demand more, knowing from the sight of all those masks that no matter how unreasonable their demands, their servants will obey.

The thugs in power will take full advantage of this voluntary muzzling. They will know that if they can get away with that, they can get away with anything.

I’ll say it again. Take off the damn mask. Refuse to wear one. Make the other guy sweat. Stop bowing to peer pressure and the control freaks of our society. You will be happy you did. For example, the only time I have succeeded in getting a conservative friend to not wear a mask as he entered a restaurant, as he sat down he couldn’t help saying, “What a liberating experience!”

The more people do that, the more likely we will see more people unmasked, making it easier to do without.

And those that wish to continue to wear their masks? That’s their prerogative in a free society. They however do not have the right to force that prerogative on everyone else.

If people don’t start un-muzzling themselves, the future will be grim indeed. Go back and watch any number of distopia movies from the past half century. All describe horrible oppressive societies just like the one being imposed on us now with these mask mandates. Do you really want to live like that? Or are you a free soul willing to stand up for your right to live your life, as you choose?

As long as I see muzzles on everyone, it seems we are choosing the former, and are giving up the latter.

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