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Twenty-Nine Hours?! I’d rather be waterboarded

Friends, find someone who finds you as fascinating as Barack Obama finds Barack Obama.

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

The man who will not go away has released his fourth (or is it fifth?) autobiography, and apparently it’s only Part One (or Part Five?). Now, here’s the kicker. The audio version of his latest navel-gazing, self-congratulatory tome is narrated by him. Shocker I know.

Guess how long it is?

Twenty-nine hours.

Yup. You read that right. Barack Obama’s audio version of “A Promised Land” is twenty-nine hours long.

Twenty-nine hours and nine minutes to be more precise.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be waterboarded than subjected to twenty-nine hours and nine minutes of Obama reading his own turgid words. I could barely endure listening to this clown when he did his weekly addresses, and they only lasted ten or fifteen minutes.

I’d rather suffer through twenty-nine hours of Nancy Pelosi reading the ingredients of her expensive ice cream while smacking her lips and stammering.

Sure, Jack Bauer had to go a full twenty-four hours dodging bullets and stopping terrorists without the breaks necessary for eating, sleeping, showering or taking a crap. But I’d still prefer that to Barack Obama droning on about himself for twenty-nine hours.

Friends, find someone who finds you as fascinating as Barack Obama finds Barack Obama.

Given Barack’s habit of having his autobiographies penned by others, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if recording the audio book was the first time he ever read the damn thing.

Whatever happened to the old adage “always leave them wanting more?”

I’m guessing after hour twenty-nine none but the most ardent Obama fans will be clamoring for even a single minute of Part Two (or Part Six?) of his ode to himself.

But as P.T. Barnum said, “there’s a sucker born every minute.” Or, in this case “there’s a masochist born every minute.” And there will be plenty of masochists downloading this self-absorbed, self-read Song of O and listening to every painful minute.

Though, since most of them live in deep blue states that are once again locking down, they’ll have plenty of time on their hands to suffer through it.