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The French Laundry Aristocrat

The COVID response is exposing America’s growing class divide.

I can’t even be angry at California Governor Gavin Newsom violating his own dictates by attending a birthday party at the über-upscale French Laundry in Napa.

If you want to know the truth, the absurdity of it all just made me laugh.

We’ve so lost the plot here in this supposed Republic founded on the notion of self-government.

None of these domineering COVID Overlords is capable of following the dictates they impose on their subjects. And worse, they don’t think they need to.

Lockdowns are for the little people, not for the French Laundry Aristocrat or his wash and blowout aunt.

Do as I say not as I do is standard operating procedure in the United States of America. And these gormless tits aren’t even hiding it anymore. Worse still, we’re all just supposed to accept it.

While they close the schools for your kids, our betters like the French Laundry Aristocrat himself simply send their children to private schools.

You can’t travel, but they can.

You can’t enjoy a large dinner with friends, but they can.

You can’t earn a living, but they’re so rich they don’t need to.

The COVID response has deepened the class divide that already existed here in the United States.

And arrogant politicians like the French Laundry Aristocrat have no problem with that. Condescension and Obedience are the watchwords. And we are the dirt beneath their expensive loafers.

I’m reading an excellent book right now by Jack Buckby called “Monster of Their Own Making: How the Far Left, the Media and Politicians are Creating Far-Right Extremists.” And one of the main arguments Buckby makes is how disregard and condescension from those elected to serve the people does not come without a price.

Buckby writes:

So many politicians have no idea what it’s like to be a normal person, getting up early in the morning and catching a bus to go to work, watching the people on the television telling us what to think, trying to raise a couple of kids and keep up with bills.

Worse, those same politicians refuse to even consider the possibility that their policies might be hurting the people they’re meant to represent.

Does this not describe the French Laundry Aristocrat to a tee?

Or the insufferable Andrew Cuomo? Or Lori Lightfoot? Gretchen Whitmer? Nancy Pelosi? Joe Biden?

When his Aunt Nancy got caught violating Newsom’s COVID dictates on hair salons, her response was to attack the salon owner. That’s how little regard Nancy has for her own constituents.

You can’t push people like this without there being pushback.

Like I always say, for people who claim to believe in science, our politicians fail to grasp Newton’s Third Law – for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

You can’t treat citizens like subjects and not expect an equal and opposite reaction.

And Buckby’s point is that sometimes the reaction goes to the extreme.

[More on Buckby’s book later. I plan to review it once I’m done reading it.]

We are being beaten down while the privileged class enjoys the fruits of this lockdown. Not only do their lives go on as before, but many of them are actually profiting from this self-inflicted economic destruction.

JK Tweet - French Laundry Aristocrat

The truth is, there is only so much of this the American people are going to put up with before the equal and opposite reaction strikes. And these self-proclaimed COVID Overlords like the French Laundry Aristocrat don’t seem to understand this. Or worse, they do understand. But we mean so little to them that they just don’t give a damn.