My First Twitter Suspension is a badge of honor
If the Twitter Resistance actually thinks getting me temporarily suspended will stop the bleeding Pelosi caused herself, they’re stupider than I thought.
It took seven years, but I finally earned my first suspension from Twitter. Rather than feel scolded or humbled however, I see it more as a badge of honor.
You can always tell who and what Twitter is trying to protect by what kind of tweets get conservatives suspended.
And no doubt SalonGate is such an incredible optics disaster for the Democrats, it requires an all-hands-on-deck counter-operation from the Twitter Resistance.
While I’m sure the Pelosi fans don’t particularly like having their Slay Queen referred to as a wretched, vicious bitch or a gin-soaked hag, what specifically is a threat of violence or promoting violence about this?
I didn’t say “this wretched vicious bitch should die” or “we should kill that gin-soaked hag.”
Though, I suppose it’s possible Twitter decided that, since Nancy is in fact a gin-soaked hag, my calling her a “gin-soaked hag” is “hateful speech” toward alcoholics.
The only person who opened the door to threats in this instance was Nancy Pelosi. She accused a salon owner of setting her up. And as a result, hateful Leftists – much like the ones who got the vapors over my tweet – began threatening the salon owner’s life and business.
This was the tweet I quote-tweeted in my now deleted “violation” tweet:
Pelosi unleashed the hate.
Her sycophantic Resistance fans took up her cause and threatened the salon owner.
I called Nancy out for inciting this.
And I’m the one threatening or promoting violence?
Honesty, you can’t help but laugh at Twitter and their Resistance Army. They are so transparent in their phony outrage, it’s kind of cute – like watching a toddler pitch a tantrum in hopes that Mommy will give her a toy.
But as I said, getting suspended by Twitter during this election season? Honey, it is a badge of honor.
As the old saying goes, “when you’re getting flak, you’re over the target.”
To me, this badge of honor is proof that the Left and their protectors in media know that Nancy’s stupid salon stunt hurt them badly. They know Nancy attacking the salon owner wasn’t just a shitty thing to do, it was also highly damaging to the Democrats and their prospects in November.
So they want to protect her.
They have to protect her.
But suspending people from Twitter who call Pelosi out isn’t going to protect her because Twitter isn’t real life. So while it might make the thin-skinned goobers of the Twitter Resistance feel vindicated, it has zero effect on the general voting public.
I’m still here in the real world. And I’m still going to hammer the hell out of that gin-soaked hag. And not just her. I’ll keep hitting the demented old Biden, the duplicitous fraud Kamala Harris, and every garbage Leftist in the media and in Hollywood.
Plus since I view it as a badge of honor, I’m proudly writing about this Twitter suspension right now.
So, other than a 12-hour suspension from Twitter and the removal of the “offending” tweet, what exactly have they achieved?
Not much in the grand scheme of things.
And if that’s the best they can do, there is no way in hell they will ever undo the damage Pelosi brought on herself and the rest of her miserable party.
So thanks for the badge of honor, kids! I will wear it with pride!
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