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China is not an opponent?! Well, not for the Biden Family

Of course Joe Biden believes China is not an opponent. His family is getting fabulously wealthy kanoodling with the CCP.

 posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

During his softball “town hall” with supporters last night on CNN, Joe Biden claimed that China is not an opponent. They’re just a “competitor” of the US.

The regime that stole American jobs and American manufacturing is not an opponent.

The regime that unleashed on the world a deadly pandemic then lied and covered it up is not an opponent.

The regime that spies on the US, steals our technology and intellectual property is not an opponent.

The regime that is teaming up with the Marxists of Black Lives Matter — the organization responsible for 95% of the riots tearing our cities apart — is not an opponent.

Clearly the Joe Biden has reason to believe China is not an opponent.

After all, the Biden family is making money hand over fist kanoodling with the CCP.

On Saturday, I shared with you the documentary from the Blaze about the Biden family’s nefarious ties to the Communist Chinese government.

Joe Biden doesn’t see China as a threat to our economy, our national security or our health and safety because China has been very good to his family.

This morning, the Washington Free Beacon released a report alleging that Hunter Biden used his business relationship with China as a pay-to-play “influence peddling operation.” Snorty Biden offered access to “influential people in Washington” in exchange for investments in his businesses.

If your loser kid was raking in billions from the CCP by selling access to Washington movers and shakers, would you consider China an opponent?

The Biden family ties to the Chinese Communist Party are far and away more nefarious and damning than the alleged “Trump has ties to the Kremlin” BS the media and the Democrats have been peddling for four years. The Biden/CCP connection is a genuine threat to our national security.

And if we had an actual Free and Independent Press there would be an army of reporters digging into Hunter Biden and his various financial ties to the CCP.

But we don’t have a Free and Independent Press.

The American news media is part of the Biden campaign.

Not only that, if this Wuhan Pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that the American news media is more than willing to serve as Chinese Propaganda.

Trump is right when he says if Biden wins, China wins.

China is the United States’ single greatest geopolitical foe. But China isn’t the Biden family’s foe.

China is the Biden family’s golden goose.

And Joe Biden would happily sacrifice American jobs, American manufacturing, and American national security to keep the cash flowing into his family’s coffers.